The Death of Daenerys

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Rhaenrys POV
When I woke up again I was on my bed Drogo sitting beside me holding a now awake Rhaego. Reaching up I lightly touched his back getting his attention. He turned around swiftly smiling when he saw me awake.

"Moon of My Life, you're awake."

Drogo whispered kissing my forehead.

"Hi My Sun and Stars."

I told him my voice full of sleep. Drogo smiled softly kissing me on the lips.

"Baby, baby."

"Rhaego is fine Little Moon I have him."

Seeing that Rhaego in Drogo arms I relaxed and with shaky arms I went to hold him. Drogo ignored my arms and set him on my chest.

I smiled at seeing my baby cooing and laughing as I held him. Drogo chuckled kissing us both on the forehead.

"Moon of My Life Irri told me you will be fine. Gladly it was nothing serious."

I nodded still playing with Rhaego when I thought about Daenerys.

"Where is she."

I saw Drogo growl for a moment before he answered.

"Tied up outside the Khalassar. I was waiting for you to wake so we would know what to do with her."

I nodded knowing I too weak and sleepy to do anything right now. But when I felt better I knew I was going to tear her throat out.

Rhaego and I both yawned tired and Drogo laughed.
Falling asleep again Rhaego stayed on my chest his scent comforting me.

When I woke up again that the sun gone and the sky was filled with stars. I felt stronger  now that I've had some sleep. Looking around I saw Rhaego sleeping soundly in his little bed.

Smiling I kissed my sleeping baby forehead and got dressed coming out of my tent. I didn't walk far before I rammed into Drogo back.


I said fumbling back. Drogo turned around  chuckling.

"Are you okay Moon of My Life?"

Drogo asked laughing as he helped me hold up my head. I nodded laughing along with him. Drogo  stopped looking at me leaning down to kiss me.

Wrapping my arms around him Drogo lifted me up kissing me. We wanted our moment to keep going but Rakharo came in.

Drogo sat me down and glared at Rakharo.


Drogo demanded.

"The girl. What do you want to do with her?"

Rakharo asked.

"I will deal with her."

I told them. Rakharo soon left. Going myself I felt Drogo hand grab my wrist stopping me.

"You can come with me."

I told him lacing my fingers in his.  Drogo squeezed my hand and he went  and grabbed a torch leading me  to Daenerys.

When I  saw her I could see she was cut up and bloody as she was tied to pole much like I was when the Rogues capture me.

"Ah hello Rhaenrys come to take your revenge?"

Daenerys said her voice hoarse. "Not really. I just wanted to kill you." Drogo handed me one of his daggers and I stabbed her swiftly through the heart.
"No one threatens my baby and lives." I whispered in her ear before taking the knife out.

Backing away I saw her head fall forward blood coming from her mouth. Handing Drogo his knife back I took the torch burning her dead body.

"Lets go Moon of My Life."

Drogo told me grabbing my hand and leading me  back to our tent.

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