Journey's End - Chapter 36 - The Houses of Healing

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Journey’s End

Chapter 36

The Houses of Healing

***Aragorn’s Point of View***

“Rana! No!” I yelled as her eyes closed slowly, “Please no! Try to stay awake!”

She didn’t respond as I lifted her limp body into my arms and ran to the Houses of Healing. I brought her to a bed and found Legolas at my side.

“What happened?” I asked, laying her down.

“Poisoned arrow.” He answered simply, looking on as medical supplies were brought.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I snapped.

“She wouldn’t let me!” He cried defensively. “She didn’t want you to worry.” He said in a softer tone. I sighed; it wasn’t fair to blame him.

“I’m sorry.” I murmured, working quickly to access Rana’s wound.

“It’s alright.” He replied, “How can I help?”

I instructed him on what to do, trying to ignore my emotions, I couldn’t afford to waste precious time on them; we needed to work as quickly as possible. The next few minutes were vital to Rana’s survival.

***Rana’s Point of View***

I smiled a little as I found myself surrounded by the familiar mist of my dream. I could no longer feel the pain in my arm, or anywhere else…I severely hoped that this didn’t mean that I was dead…Oh well… There was nothing I could do about it now. I looked down at my hand, just to check that the Ring of Barahir was there, it was. With a slight smile, I looked up and once again saw the mysterious hooded figure. This time I was going to find out who they were.

As I walked towards them, they made no move to run away. Curiously I peered at them as I stood before them, but I could see nothing under their hood. I lifted my hand, and gently swept their hood back.

“Aragorn?” I whispered, seeing his familiar face smiling at me. I smiled in return as he gently took my face in his hands. I frowned a little in confusion, until he kissed me softly. Was this like the dream I had before? No… I think I preferred this one. With a smile I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. After a moment, he pulled back.

“Rana…” He whispered, “Wake up.”

I frowned.

“I don’t want to wake up.” I murmured. He smiled, and as I blinked, the image began to fade, but I could still hear him.

“Rana, wake up.”

“No…Let me sleep…I’m tired…” I moaned stubbornly. I heard laughter and then, as the last remains of my dream slipped away, I felt myself relax into a comfortable dreamless doze.

***Aragorn’s Point of View***

“Rana, wake up.” I murmured softly, laying my hand on her forehead as she frowned in her sleep. We had been successful in neutralising the poison; she just needed to regain consciousness.

“No… Let me sleep… I’m tired…” She moaned, and I laughed. She was going to be alright.

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