Chapter Twenty-Four

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          Moments later, I saw Brock's expression change. Apparently, Rodrigo had surprised him the same way Ann had me. He looked up and met my gaze. I quickly turned back to Ann. "Why do you hate me?"

          She grimaced. "Kate, you know I don't. I'm trying to help you. You need him as much as he needs you and I think he's finally realized that."

          I rolled my eyes. "I don't need anyone; I can take care of myself and Grace. I was just starting to look for apartments, we're going to be moving soon."

          Before she could respond, Rodrigo appeared at the table with Brock close behind. "Kate, Ann, funny seeing you here!"

          Ann sighs. "She knows, Rodrigo."

          "Shoot, well, come on, let's give them a minute." Rodrigo helped Ann from the booth and looked to Brock. "Sit. Talk. We're watching you." They walked away as Brock sat down across from me.

          Silence took over as I stared at the drink in front of me. I knew it would be this way, he didn't want to talk any more than I did... Or so I thought.

          Grace cooed in her sleep, which seemed to get Brock's attention. A smile appeared on his face. "She's gotten bigger since I last saw her. Looks like a full-term baby now."

          Small talk. Wonderful. "She should. She eats every three hours."

          "Really? Guess that keeps you pretty busy."

          I nod. "Yep but I wouldn't change it for the world."

          Silence settled once again before he sighed and leaned forward. "Kate, I heard about you living in the hotel."

          I shrugged. "So?"

         "That's no place for you or Grace."

         My throat burned from his words. How dare he try to shame me! "Is that so? You know, I did have a home, then I picked up and followed you half across the country only to be devastated and left in the cold. Where else was I supposed to go, Brock? Huh? I thought about going back to California to be close to Ann, but I can't, not until the adoption goes through. I already checked. And then, Grace left the hospital, I didn't have time to go shop for a place to live. I had to stay in the hotel, at least, until I got her on a schedule. And for your information, we'll be moving this week once I get in touch with the manager of the Oak Field Apartment complex."

          I knew that my words were like daggers to him, but he deserved it. "Kate, come back to the ranch." His voice was quiet, yet stern.

          I chuckled. "Seriously? After all you said to me, you think I'm gonna come crawling back to you? Absolutely not. I don't think you understand, Brock. You hurt me. I most certainly did not use you and I honestly, can't believe you said that to me. I thought you cared, but I guess, I was wrong. You would think I'd learn my lesson about being involved with fighters." I picked up the car seat and started to slide out of the booth, but he stopped me.

          "Kate, wait, I'm sorry and I do care, but getting my ex involved and the kids, it's just a hard limit for me. I signed my rights away a long time ago. I'm not allowed to call or see them, that was the deal and I've kept my word. She's also not allowed to tell them who their father is and I know she'll never tell them. It's something I've come to terms with and you bringing it up was like opening an old wound. I know I shouldn't have said what I did, but the old me likes to pop out every now and then. Unfortunately, you were there to see it. I really am sorry, Kate, please come back to the farm where you belong."

          He was genuine, I could see that, but I just wasn't sure if the farm was where I wanted to be now. "I thought you didn't want a crying baby in your house?"

          He smiled. "Well, she is cute... Even if she cries a little."

          I thought a moment before looking back to him. "You want to hold her?"

           "I don't think I should. I've never really been around a baby..."

           I turned to Grace and slid her out of the car seat. I walked around the booth, sat beside of Brock, and laid her in his arms. "Now, make sure to support the head... There you go." I watched as Grace snuggled closer to him and my heart melted. "I think she likes you."

           "I don't know, I feel like I'm going to break her."

            I chuckle. "Oh, don't be silly. I think you may just be the baby whisperer."

           He smiled. "I'm pretty sure that's a lie... But she is cute."

           I sat back and watched him hold her. He was surprisingly good with babies, something I hadn't expected. Seeing him look at her with such affection in his eyes made me realize something... "If you're sure, we'll come back to the farm."

           "Of course I'm sure, I love you."

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