Chapter Fifteen

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          The cool morning breeze swept through my hair as I watched the cows graze the nearby field. I had just spent my first night here and wondered why I had never visited the country before. It was just the opposite of the city, no heavy traffic, no noisy sounds to keep you up at night. It was just quiet, something I realized I had missed being the city girl I used to be.

          "Kate?" Brock's voice interrupted my thoughts as I turned my head to see him standing in the back door. "Your phone is going crazy."

          I stood from my spot on the swing and entered the ranch house. "Did you answer it?"

          "No, ain't my phone." If there was one thing Brock wasn't, it was a snoop. I nodded and went back to the guestroom. My phone was buzzing away on the nightstand. I grabbed it and saw it was an incoming call from Ann, Dana's wife.

          This couldn't be good. "Ann? Something wrong?"

          "Kate! There you are! I've called at least twenty times this morning! Dana is coming there to get you!"

          My heart sank. "Wait, what? Why? When?"

          "He's probably already there by now. If you would have answered your phone, you would have known!"

          "Well, I'm sorry but I was outside! Why is he coming? When did he find out?"

          She took a deep breath, as to calm herself down, before she answered. "One of his buddies called him late last night. It happened to be the contractor that helped you remodel the house, he saw that it was up for sale, and was interested in buying it. Dana hang up and started questioning me. I had to tell him and when I did, he lost it. He claims that you're having another breakdown and insisted on taking the next flight to come get you."

          "Oh, crap."

          "Kate? Why is Dana in my driveway?" Brock yelled from the front of the house.

          My heart was racing and all I could do was mutter that he was here and throw the phone back on the bed. I ran toward the front of the house and found Brock standing in the front door, looking at a rental that had just parked in the driveway. "Ann just called, she said he thinks I'm having a breakdown and insisted on coming to get me."

          Brock's expression never changed. "Do you want to go back?"

          "Hell no!"

         He smiled. "Then I'll take care of this."

          I watched as Brock stepped onto the front porch and met Dana at the sidewalk. "Why did you bring her here? She isn't well!"

          "She was tired of the city life, was thinking about moving to the east coast, but I mentioned Minnesota and she decided to give the country life a try. I think she likes it."

          Dana laughed sarcastically. "And I'm supposed to believe that? Kate was born in the city, she's a city girl up and down, there's no way she would trade her house for a farm!"

          That remark really got under my skin. In one quick motion, I opened the screen door and stood beside Brock. "For your information, I am very well, in fact, I've never been better. And Brock isn't lying, I wanted to come here. I'm tired of Vegas. I'm tired of the house. I'm tired of my life. I'm starting over. Here."

          Dana watched me curiously. "Have you taken your meds?"

          I groaned in annoyance. "Yes! I'm not having a meltdown, Dana! I just wanted to start over. There's nothing for me in Vegas! The only thing that was keeping me there was you and if I do recall correctly, you walked out on me! So why the hell are you here now?"

          He seemed shocked by my reply. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know I was rough on you. I thought if I cut you off, I could snap you back to reality. That whole revenge thing you were working at really scared me."

          I shook my head. "Well, that was really uncalled for but thanks." He looked at me wide-eyed and so did Brock. "Yeah, you heard me, I just thanked you. Thank you for cutting me off, if it hadn't been for you, I may not have found my happy place, which is here, in case you're wondering."

        "Kate, I don't know what's got you so riled up but please just come home. You can have your job back; we can go back to how things were before."

          I chuckled. "You'd really like that, huh? You'd really ask me to go back to being unhappy just to ease your mind? Newsflash, Dana, you walked out on me, not the other way around. I don't want my old job back and do you know why? Because I have a new job working with Brock." Dana truly seemed heartbroken. "I'm tired of living my life for other people and if you're truly my friend, you'll support me. I won't go back with you, Dana, I'm staying here, with Brock. If you care anything about me, you'll leave me be. Please."

          He seemed to struggle with it a moment before he finally took a deep breath and turned to Brock. "I'm trusting you with her. She means more to me than you'll ever know. And if you hurt her, you can kiss your UFC career goodbye."

          Brock chuckled. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

          Dana looked back to me. "Keep in touch. I want to know how the city girl fits in around here. The kids have already asked about Auntie Kate, be sure to check in with them."

          I nod. "I will."

          He turns and walks toward the car. "If you ever change your mind, you know I'm only a phone call away."

          "I know." And with that, he drove away.

           Brock sighed. "So, I'm gonna check on the cattle. You coming?"

          I smiled. "Absolutely."


Hey, guys! I am so terribly sorry it's been so long! My grandfather fell ill on Christmas Eve and I've been tending to him ever since. I would like to know what you think of this chapter and if there's anything you'd like to see in the coming chapters. I've had some writer's block with this book since making my return and was hoping to get some feedback from the fans. ❤

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