Chapter Twenty

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          "Holy mother of pearl." I muttered as we entered Babies R Us. I hadn't been in one of these stores since I was expecting Peyton and I don't remember it looking so intimidating. Although, I never had to get everything  I needed in one outing.

          Brock sensed my panic and pushed a cart toward me. "Take it one aisle at a time. You can do this." I took a deep breath and started at the first aisle on the left. Once I started picking things out, it became easier and surreal. I was going to be this baby's mother and her well-being was up to me...

          Two and a half hours later, we had made it through the entire store. I had five carts filled to the brim of supplies including a car seat, swing, glider, and a crib. Not to mention, all the bottles, pacifiers, clothes, bath supplies, and the baby proof items. Thankfully, Brock's truck held it all and we were able to get it home in one trip.

          "Okay, the only way we're gonna get this done quickly is to do this efficiently. So, all the furniture needs to go in first. Everything needs to be put together before we bring in all the little things."

          Brock chuckled. "Now who's bossy?"

          "It's what I do, now come on." He followed me to the back of the truck and released the tailgate. He pulled the crib out first and stared at me. "What?"

          "Pick up a side, I ain't carrying all this in by myself."

          I smiled. "Why not? I know you bench press five to six times what this weighs. And aren't you supposed to be impressing me or something?"

          He rolled his eyes, picked up the box, and started inside the house. "You still have to open the door, smartass."

          I laughed to myself as I held the door and went back to the truck. I didn't make him carry all  of it in, I did carry the car seat, mostly because it weighed the least, but it was something.

          Once all the furniture was inside, I stood in the corner of the room as Brock began putting the crib together. I had an image in my head of where I wanted everything and I hoped we could get it all done tonight. I really wanted to impress Mel. "So, have you decided on what you're gonna name her?" Brock asked as he fumbled with some bolts.

          I leaned against the wall and slid down beside him. "I have an idea but I'm not sure yet..."

          He paused. "Well, are you gonna tell me? Maybe I can help."

          I sighed. "I want to name her in memory of Peyton, so I've been thinking of naming her Grace but I can't decide on a middle name."

          "I like Grace, although generally, it's used as a middle name, so I can understand where that may be difficult..." He hesitated before continuing. "How about Grace Lynn Dawson? I know I've heard it used together as a first name, so why can't you separate it and make it a first and middle name?"

          Grace Lynn Dawson. "I like it! Did you have much say in what your kids were named?" When he went quiet, I realized I should have kept my mouth shut. "Sorry, shouldn't have gone there... Uh, do you think the crib would look silly if I kept it a little away from the wall? I saw a picture online that I'd like to replicate."

          "Let me see it." I pulled out my phone and held it out for him to see.

          "I think it looks fine

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          "I think it looks fine. If you don't like it, we can always push it back against the wall." I took my phone and laid it beside me as he continued working on the crib. "And to answer your question, no I didn't have much of a say. I wasn't around much so I guess I didn't deserve to be a part of that."

           I thought a moment before opening my big mouth, knowing there was no going back with what I was about to say. "Why don't you reach out to them? If you're ex just saw that you've changed, maybe you could agree to meet them sometime?"

          He shook his head. "No, I signed my rights away a long time ago. They were too young to remember me anyway."

         "Every child has a right to meet their father. You know they must be curious. How old would they be now?"

          "Just drop it, Kate. Worry about yourself, not me."

          I quickly shut my mouth and began unboxing some of the other furniture. Some of it was already put together so I started arranging it the way I wanted. I also began sticking the décor on the wall. Thankfully, it just had an adhesive on the back, so it wasn't all that difficult to do. Within an hour, all the lettering and arrows were in place and so was the dresser, swing, crib, and rocking chair.

          We were moving quickly with the nursery but I think it's because we weren't talking. I felt bad for striking a nerve with Brock, but I really wanted him to see his kids. After losing Peyton, I can't imagine having children and not seeing them...

          Even though I wasn't sure how this would go, I was gonna track down Brock's ex. She needs to know he's changed and maybe, just maybe she'll let him see them. If nothing more than a picture.

          Let's just hope this doesn't backfire on me.

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