Chapter Seventeen

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          When I woke the next morning, I had no idea what time it was. I could see the sunrise through the cracks of the barn so I knew it had to be after seven. Pushing myself away from Brock, I stood and dusted myself off. I checked on the cattle and found them in perfect condition. "Hey." I kicked Brock's boots, trying to wake him. "Earth calling Brock. Get up."

          He finally stirred and looked up at me. "What?"

          "Rise and shine. Now, go fix the fence."

          Once he started moving, I left the barn and entered the house. My back was killing me from the dirt floor and it was then that I realized, I would not be sleeping in the barn anymore. As I walked over to start the coffee maker, I turned the TV on, curious as to what was going on in the world.

          The local news was showing a picture of a cute baby girl. "The newborn was found just outside the police station last night. According to state police, it appears the infant was abandoned right after birth. Authorities immediately took the child to a nearby hospital to be evaluated and the infant is currently listed in stable condition."

          I couldn't describe the way I felt in that moment. There were so many emotions going through my mind, I couldn't focus on just one. How could someone birth a baby and then abandon her? Was she okay? What would happen to her now?

          "Coffee ready?" Brock asked as he shuffled into the kitchen. I shoved a cup toward him and continued wondering about the baby. "Kate?" I heard him say my name but I ignored it as I picked up the remote and hit the rewind button. When he saw what I was doing, he turned to the TV and watched the segment. "Sad, isn't it?"

         I shook my head. "No, it's worse than sad. Does this happen a lot around here?"

         "It does around that side of town. Just a bunch of druggies and gangs."

          I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Well, what will happen to her?"

          He shrugs. "If she makes it, foster care."

          My heart fell into a million pieces as I thought about that poor baby. She didn't ask for this; she shouldn't suffer for her parent's mistakes. And it was then that I knew what I had to do. "I want her."

          Brock almost spit out his coffee. "What?"

          "I said, I want her. I'm gonna call the news station and see if they can tell me which hospital she's in."

         As I reached for the phone, Brock blocked my path. "Woah, hold on. You're actually serious?" I nodded. "Kate, adopting a kid isn't something you can decide on in a split second. It's a big decision."

          "You think I don't know that? I never watch the news but the one day I do, there's a picture of a helpless baby who needs my care and it's no secret that she looks like Peyton. I'm telling you, it was meant for me to see her. I have to have her."

          He stared a moment, trying to read me before sighing. "Alright, if you really want this, I'll make a call. I've got an old friend that works at the police station downtown. He owes me a favor."

          I smile. "Really?"

          "Yes, I'll see what I can do, but I can't promise you this will work. You can't just waltz in a hospital and demand to adopt a child. Adoption can take years, Kate."

          "I know that, but I can at least foster her until then."

         He nods. "Alright, let me see what I can do."


Hey, guys! I know this is short, but I just wanted to give you a taste of what's to come. I hope to get this book moving again over spring break next week! Let me know what you think :3

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