Chapter Eleven

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          The arena was bustling by the time I arrived. Fans were lined up outside the front entrance as they waited for the doors to unlock. They still had another half an hour to wait so Brock had plenty of time to check out the cage before they came pouring in...

          I flashed my badge to security before being allowed to enter the locker room area. It was quiet and a bit nauseating for me. After all of the preparation, we were finally here and after tonight, I would be on my own, forced to start my life all over again. It wasn't exactly something I was looking forward to either, at least not finding a job anyway.

          Once I knocked, I let myself in and found Brock and the rest of the guys standing in the center of the room. "There she is, now, let's go," Jase added as he pushed past me.

          "Rude," I muttered as I stepped out of their way.

          No one made eye contact with me as they passed, except for Rodrigo. He stayed back and walked with me behind the group. "Ignore him. He's just mad cause the boss fired his buddy. He'll get over it."

          I nod. "Well, he won't have to be mad long. After tonight, I'm out of here."

          Rodrigo almost stopped in his tracks as he looked at me curiously. "What do you mean? Brock hired you, didn't he?"

          "Yes, but apparently, it was only for this fight. He informed me last night that I would get paid until the end of the month, which should give me plenty of time to find another job. And let me tell you, job searching is not going well."

         He stood in disbelief as Brock, Jase, and Big Steve stepped inside the cage. "I don't understand. I talked to him yesterday morning and he seemed very keen on keeping you around, at least for the next championship fight."

          I shrugged. "He changed his mind, I guess. He made it very clear to me that he didn't want me anywhere near him."

          He sighed. "I wish Tyler would have kept his big mouth shut. Everything was going so well when you showed up and now, it's all going to hell." Rodrigo added that part a little louder than I expected and it got Brock's attention.

          He glanced at both of us with an annoyed expression before exiting the ring and stopping in front of me. "Our discussion last night is between us. I don't want it mentioned to anyone else. Understand?"

          His tone really got under my skin. "Why not? They're gonna find out anyway." I turned to Jase and Big Steve. "Hey! Guess what? You only have to deal with me the rest of today and then I'm gone. And then you can go back to it just being you boys, isn't that great?"

          They looked at one another before Big Steve responded. "You aren't working for him anymore?"

          I shook my head. "Nope, I got fired last night, just like Tyler. Funny, ain't it?" They didn't know what to say and I knew they felt bad. I didn't mean for them to, I just wanted to annoy Brock but when I looked at him, he wasn't even mad. For a moment, he actually seemed sympathetic. "I'll meet you out here. Go warm up."

          I walked away and stood out in the hall. I was so frustrated with him, I couldn't think straight. It's like one minute he's my  Brock and the next he's theirs. I don't understand why he has to put on a show in front of them. "Well, well, well. So, you're really gonna be in his corner, huh?"

         The voice that started it all rang in my ear as I turned to see Cain and his entourage. "Where did you think I would be?"

          His tone was serious and for once, I saw no sign of taunting in his voice. "I just thought this would be too much for you."

          "Oh no. I trained Brock and I'll be here when he finishes this." I was thankful my voice was strong and fierce because now, he knows that I mean business.

          He hesitated before continuing. "You really believe in him, don't you?"

          "With everything in me." And that was nothing but the truth.

           Cain turned to his trainer. "I think we'd better warm up. This is gonna be a long night." They all turned and walked away as I sighed in relief. That could have gone very badly but it didn't and for that I was thankful.

          "I think you just psyched him out." Brock was now beside me, smiling as he watched Cain enter his locker room down the hall.

          His voice made me jump. "How long have you been standing there?"

          "Long enough to know that you just scared the daylights out of him. He's gonna be sloppy, which makes it so much easier on me... It'll be done in the first round, mark my words. He probably won't even land a punch."

          I rolled my eyes. "Don't get too cocky now."

          He smirked as he turned to walk away. "My answer is still the same as it was last month at the conference. It ain't cocky if you can back it up."

          Brock was beyond arrogant at this point and that could get him in major trouble out there. I just hoped he didn't underestimate Cain, if he did, I'd have a battered beast on my hands...

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