day sixteen

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day sixteen - joke

I shut my eyes, chewing on my bottom lip. We were caught. Someone had found us wondering and now we were to be sent to a lifetime of punishment.
I couldn't say our adventure wasn't worth it - it was totally worth it. It was fun, as fun as a hospital could get.

"I say off with their heads." the man at the doorway said. A sarcastic one, fantastic.

I turned to face the man, the one who had caught us. I expected him to be a large, stern-looking man. That's not at all who was standing at the door.

A skinny kid with a idiotic grin plastered on his face with asshole written all over him.


"You're an asshole, you know that?" I yelled quietly, throwing my hands up in the air. I walked over to him, and punched him square in the side of his arm, and he flinched.

"I've been told that, yes." He smiled, stuffing his hands into his front pockets. He just kept on smiling as numerous other curses and profanities were whisper yelled at him, a couple middle fingers here and there as well.

"How did you find us?" Steph asked, shining the flashlight in his eyes.

"I couldn't sleep and - ow, that hurts my eyes - I heard noises coming from outside and - move the goddamn flashlight, will you - and I saw the group of you going somewhere and - Steph, seriously, my pupils are burning - and I decided to follow you and give you a little scare."

"You just find more and more ways to become an asshole, don't you?" Calum said, grinning.

"Correct. Now you should all go back to your rooms before you do actually get caught and I'm blamed as well." He pushed us out the door, except for Michael and Kat who are left to say their goodbyes. I smiled lightly at them; I knew something was happening between them from the moment Kat stepped into the picture.

I was towards the front of the pack until I saw Jimmy wave me back to him. I looked around, hastily moving towards him. He just scoffed playfully, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You don't need to look at me like that, y'know," Jimmy said, "I'm not going to, like, kill you. That's Michael's job."

Now it was my turn to scoff as we walked down the dark hallway. He just smiled at me - a stupid, idiotic Jimmy grin. There was no other way to explain it.

"Listen, you should of never came down after us. If we get in trouble, you'll be in trouble, too, so you really just should of -"

"Save it, Vicky, I know. I ruined your whole moment with Calum. And truly, I'm sorry."

This was a whole new side to Jimmy that obviously I hadn't seen before. I knew there had to be some kind of kindness; some kind of real person in there. Maybe this was him finally coming out. Finally showing off the side of him that we've all been waiting for.

I just smiled at him, tapping my fingers against my wrist. The flower Calum had drawn was still there. It was slighty faded, but still there. And I wanted to keep it that way.

"So...listen. You better go back over to him and kiss him right now, you hear me? You were interrupted the first time, and I know that you're doing everything in your power not to run away from me right now and find your lover and pin him against that wall right there and kiss him until his lips are chapped to the point where no chapstick can save him anymore." Jimmy stopped walking to face me, putting a hand on his waist. Basically commanding me to kiss Calum again.

"Half of that statement may or may not be correct, except the lover part," I whispered soft enough that Jimmy had to move a bit closer to me.

"I don't have time for lies, Vicky." The rest of the group had seemed to forgotten about us, for they walked ahead and were out of sight. It was just Jimmy and I, alone in the dark corridor. I could hardly see his face since Steph had taken the flashlight with her.

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