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I walk down the street, the street where I used to live. The street the kind man of the market offered me free fruit because he was scared of my father. The street I used to hang out with my best friend Yelena. The street my father fell and died.

I knew dwelling on the past was no good but the world has changed. Now, on this street was the Apple store, a Barnes and Noble and a Mc Donald's. Of course there were more but it would be too confusing to name them all, not knowing what and what I haven't already counted. I walk and stop. This year the government was asking people why their children don't go too school, and of course I could use my compulsion but. What would it be like to have a new best friend? To have a fun life? I just made my decision. Im going to enrol, if something goes wrong I could always use compulsion. But not in the protected ares which witches and warlocks charmed. Yes my father created them too. Why had I been a stupid little girl? I don't know.

I did it.
I enrolled into senior year of high school. Cool. I could meet new people. Today school was going to start and because it was a private school, I could actually wear the uniform. Uniforms were optional and they looked like cheap clothes. Ugh. After jumping into my Lamborghini (yes I used compulsion to buy it,) I begin to drive. I pull up at the school. People stare at my car and I ignore them. The school was amazing. A large waterfall behind the open front gates and behind that a large, gothic school. There were dorms at the school so I wouldn't be going home for a while. I walk in and walk straight. We had a grade meeting. I had smelled a foul, different species scent. Oh yea we have better speed, strength and smell than humans. I got my schedule.

1st Period: Advanced Algebra

2nd Period: English
3rd Period: History
4th Period: Geography
5th Period: Physical Education
-----Snack Break-----
6th Period: Science

The bell rang. I walked into room L3.18, advanced algebra. We had a teacher called Mr Goopy. Everyone laughed. So did I. All of a sudden I felt dizzy. I forgot to feed myself with blood this morning. All the blood in people around me made me hungry. Lucky I had a metal water bottle in my backpack filled with blood. I took a sip and everything felt better. After the next bell rang, we had english. Mrs Patsy was our teacher, my favorite by far. She was really nice and always welcomed us to ask anything. Some jerks in our class were still talking about Mr Goopy's name. Children. Today we learned about American Identity. Boring. And wrong. After 3rd period I headed out for lunch. Turns out learning about the American Revolution was as boring as the class could get whilst the most boring teacher Mr Glitz taught us. As I walk out of the school I walk outside where the benches were seated. I look around for a free table and find a girl sitting by herself. I approach her as carefully as I could. She was pretty she had brown hair and blue eyes. 

"Hey" I say. 

"Hi, i'm Lissa, you seem new. Probably shouldn't be sitting with me. I'm a loser and the laughing stock of the school.". Of course. The cliché nerd.

 "I don't care, they can piss off" I say, knowing how disrespectful everyone was. Over lunch we bonded and It turned out Lissa was backstabbed by her friends. Ouch. Then again the bell rang. We headed out to class together, as we had similar schedules. A girl, the cliché mean girl obviously, pushed me and said 

"Look, the new girl is hanging out with loser Lissa. Looks like she shops at target." I liked target. I couldn't take it 

"Well, at least we don't shop at Gap Kids" I said in a serious tone. Her friends started laughing and she walked away. Thats when I realised everyone had been watching and recording. Maybe school could be fun. I walk in style with Lissa.

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