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Hi, my name is Hayley Jekyll.
Yes, as in Dr Jekyll's Daughter. And guess what? I'm a vampire. 200 years old today, but obviously looking like 16 or I could say whatever age I want to look. Do you remember those vampire myths and legends? I use to read them. I would always say to my real father I would want to be one. So he stayed up all his life trying to make a liquid that could make me a vampire. The warden wasn't happy. My father used to test it on people, creating a new human species. Today, in the 21st century we're all around you. We were made over and over. I never knew my mother and my father never told me who she was. Here I am, no family, just me. My father was crazy. He changed back and forth with the warden. Whenever I go into Barnes and Noble I would go to the classic section and find 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'. This story, however I have read 20 times. Maybe more. It was not really true. My father never pushed the wardens girl out of the window. My disguised name is Hayley Florence. Yuck. The thing I loved most about being a vampire is compulsion. I used it to buy free items. A mansions, and food. I hated the new ages. I really did like social media but I really know nobody to talk to. I started a youtube channel a while ago. Hayley Florence Beauty and Books.  Books were classic, I loved them. After my current experience. Things are bad

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