chapter 3

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*Troye pov*

I woke up smelling the sweet smell of chicken. Did I tell how much I love chicken? I could literally LIVE on chicken. I ran down the stairs smiling at my sister Sage taking out a plate.

"Hey it is today your leaving right?"

"Yes, I am so excited! I get to meet Tyler again... And all the others offcourse"

I felt my face go slightly red as I turned after taking my chicken mumbling "shut up" feeling Sages eyes in my neck as I go up the stairs.

About 30 minutes later I was set upon my suitcase pressing my entire body weight down on it. I usually wasn't a heavy packer but it WAS necessary bringing 3 pairs of shoes 14 t shirts, 7 skinny jeans and a bow tie. And it was NOT just cause of Tyler for those who think that. Just..

After 10 minutes of rechecking if I had everything, considering bringing another t shirt, packing my back pack(pc,camera, a magazine and my tripod), and Sage yelling at me about 649 times I was finally ready to go(only 7 minutes late

As soon as we got in the car we started to fight about music. I wanted to hear One Direction and she wanted to her One Republic. It was honestly the oldest battle in history. And I always won..

After 10 minutes I was jamming my heart out to midnight memories. When "trough the dark"  ended about a good 40 minutes later Sage had found us a good parking spot.

I took out my(extremely heavy) suitcase before wrapping my arms around Sage. I was excited to spend time with all my friends, but being away for my family over 3 weeks would be a test.

Checking in seemed to be a problem. The lady looking long on my ticket before taking a phonecall speaking extremely fast for the next few minutes.

After hanging up she told me to let her assistant take my suitcase and pointed to a young man rushing towards us. She grabbed me by my shoulder saying in about one breath.

"Mr Mellet, your flight has been cancelled but if you get on the plane to Sidney you can still land in England in the original time."

In the safely check she only showed her sign and we got to skip the line. When on the other side she took up her walkie talkie thing and spoke into it in short breaths and finally she stopped.

There was no line so I figured they'd have held the plane back just to get me to LA in time. I hugged the nice young lady who had ran all this way(on high heels) before walking into the plane greeting the pilot before fastly and akwardly finding my seat probs red AF.

Luckily it was only 1,5 h till Sidney, where I got a normal safety check and everything. I texted Alfie, Zoe ,Marcus, Connor and Tyler

"Hey babes, I got a private escort in the Perth airport! But anyways does anyone know who will be picking me up?"

Shortly after I had to turn my phone of for take off. The pilot informed us about the 14 hour flight time before telling the normal safety stuff. I felt my eyes shut shortly after to the song "If eyes could speak" in my headset.


So thanks alot for reading this! I really put alot effort in it!

Soo be excited for next chapter and stay fluffy my chocolates(idk its something)


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