Just can't take it anymore

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I was sitting poolside with most of the group, and the nominee I recommended was trying to get in our good graces. I was sitting on the ground and Paul sat on the bench behind me, so naturally I leaned back and sat in between his legs. Every now and then Jessica would make a comment, saying things like "Just kiss already," And "You two need to start dating." Paul would make a kissy face and I'l respond with an eye roll.

"Cody looks pretty bored over there." Raven commented, noticing that Cody was sitting in the shade beside Alex. There was no conversation or acknowledgement of the other person, and Cody did look super bored. "Go over there are cheer him up, Jess." I say with a smug little smile on my face. 

Jessica and Cody have been showmancing the hardest out of us all. Jessica half glared at Alex, "Nah, Pow-Pow's over there." She said. We all giggled except for Megan, Pow-Pow was the nickname Jessica gave Alex because she looks like Paola from Big Brother 16.

"You know what would cheer me up?" Paul said, ignoring the fact that Megan had gotten up and went inside. I leaned my head back and looked up at him, "What?" I ask him in return. An innocent smile runs across his face, "A kiss." Everyone oohed, and I chuckled at his obvious answer. I pinched the inside of his calf, making him wince a little. 

Megan walked back into the yard, but made a B-line for Alex instead of rejoining us. 

"You know what would cheer me up?" I say, earning everyone's attention. "A fist full of Paul's love?" Paul guessed, earning him another pinch. "A margarita, you idiot." I say standing up from in between Paul's shockingly hairy legs. Jessica followed me inside to make the drinks, but Alex pulled Jessica away before I could even turn on the blender. 

"What the hell is your problem?!" Alex snapped at Megan, who looked very sheepish. Back and fourth, Jessica and Alex took their turns yelling at Megan, calling her out for accusing Jessica of making a racist comment about Alex.

"I heard her call you 'panda,'" Megan raised her hands in defense. I poured the slushy mixture into a cup and pulled out a straw and tiny wooden umbrella. Alex yelled at Megan some more about being a liar and then told her that she didn't want to be associated with her and that she was going home this week. Like a beaten little puppy, she ran off to the diary room to cry.

"Tense," I say nodding my head, comprehending what actually just played out in front of me. Jessica ran her hands through her hair and I passed her a margarita. "What flavor?" She asked looking down art it, slightly amused that I followed through and made a large amount for everyone to enjoy. "Does it really matter?" I question her, raising a single eyebrow. She shook her head 'no' and started pounding the drink back. 

So there's an explosion between Meg, Alex and Jess. This is good. Megan's on the block, she's slowly turning everyone against her and she isn't someone I could see myself working with. I really have to remember to thank Cody for making these such an easy week for me.

"Who wants a drink?" I called out to the house, pouring more and more drinks for everyone in the house. Paul is the first one to run into the kitchen. Cody surprisingly, joined us in the kitchen as we all sat around and drank the cold beverages. "I must say, as superb as these margarita's are, I still think a fist full of my love could get you drunk a lot faster." Paul noted. I rolled my eyes with a smile and Jessica laughed sincerely. Cody was just stone faced because, Cody.

Cody in the dr: I still don't really like Paul and I think his attempts of trying to whoo Lia is starting to get old. I feel like they're starting to work together in the game and while I trust her and respect her decisions, I still think he has to go. Jessica might be on board for those two joining the showmances, but Lia can do way better than him.

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