Where the wind blows you

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"So like? Who do you want to play in the Veto?" Elena asks me, braiding pieces of my hair together.

"People who will keep my nominations the same." I say with a sigh. 

This is already a stressful week. I have Paul bitching at me to get rid of Jessica because he's insecure, I have Dom strutting around the house talking shit and the cherry on top is Elena and Mark kissing my feet, making it hard to walk around by myself.

"I will. And I know Mark will." I nod my head and leave the bathroom after she finished tying my hair. "I wanna talk to you, upstairs. Now." I point out Paul and walk up the spiraled stair case. Josh and Alex "ooohed" like Paul was a kid getting called to the principles office.

He ran up the stairs and was right behind me when the door closed, "I want to know, how ass-kissy was Elena when her and Mark were up here, with you?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling his head gently into the crook of my neck. He let out a small sigh and pulled me close to him, "So ass-kissy." He said shaking his head.

"I'm skeptical about those two. I don't know anymore." I say. Paul slides his hands down down my back, picking me up and carrying my onto the bed. Paul gives me little kisses, "What are you thinking long term? Do you want them gone now or wait a little while and just get rid of Dominique?" He asks, placing his hands under my shirt. I shrug, "She needs to go, but can we please not ignore Mark and Elena?" I ask of him.

"Hey are you guys-oh." Mark's voice cut the brief silence in the room before closing the door so fast. I couldn't help but start to laugh, Paul shook his head. My entire argument was wrapped up in that moment right there. "No I think they were making out again." Mark's voice boomed through the slim comfort of the HOH rooms walls. This time we both gave into the comedic timing and continued to talk game while having our 'showmance' time.

"You know whatever I do this week, it's just gonna put the target back on my back." I say, rolling off of Paul, looking around for my slides. He 'mmhmmed' and rolled onto his side. He looked adorable with his hair a mess, lounging in my soccer hoodie that looked a bit snug on him.

We came to the realization that Paul wasn't that much bigger than me.

flashback: backyard

"I love your sweatpants, Paul. Where did you buy they from?" Elena asked, swaying in the hammock with Mark and Jason. Matt and I were playing a game of pool, while Paul was mediating and finishing off the pasta I made for dinner. I looked down, "Oh. These are Liana's." He said looking over to the blonde bombshell. "And they fit you?" Mark jumped in, noticing that they fit Paul very well. He shrugged his shoulders, "They're a little too high on the ankle for me and there's not a lot of dick room, but yeah, they fit pretty good." He analyzed the look of the pants. 

"Mother fucker." I grumbled. Matt let out a small cheer as I missed the eight ball.

"What are the odd's I'm wearing Paul's pants tonight?" I step back from the table. Everyone chuckled, "I mean, Paul's a bit taller than Lia, but that's so crazy." Elena further inspected us. "His shirts are all loose on me, especially in the shoulder area." I pick up my stick after Matt misses his shot.

"Stand next to each other." Elena demanded of us. I hit another two balls into the pockets, "I'm a little busy kicking Matt's ass at pool." I excuse myself, lining up another shot for the eight. "She really is."  Matt teased himself, acknowledging that I was easily the best pool player in the house. As I was just about to hit the white ball, I felt Paul press himself against me, "Is this good enough for you, Elena?" He asked, making me almost scratch the table.


"Hey everyone! It's time to pick players for the Veto competition!" I yell in a happy voice. "There will be six people competing in the Veto competition, myself the HOH, the two nominee's and three house guests selected by random draw." I announce, standing in front of the box with everyone's name in it. "Will the two nominee's please join me at the front of the room?" I cue Dom and Jess. Once they're standing beside me I continue the selection, "As HOH, I will choose first." In say, stuffing my hand in the box.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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