Premier night

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I was currently standing in the front line, surrounded by sixteen other people who were just as excited to play the game I was. Julie was talking about the twist and turns that were bound to happen this summer. 

"Since their are an odd number of you this season, the first five of you to enter the house are; Christmas, Ramses, Megan, Cameron and Liana."

The five of us picked up or duffel bags and walked through the doors of the Big Brother house. We all started screaming in awe as we looked around the beautiful house. I ran to the bedrooms and quickly through my stuff on whatever bed I saw before I started talking to the other house guests. 

"Hi! I'm Ramses! It's so nice to meet you, what's your name?" A very excited young man asked me. "I'm Liana, but please just call me Lia." I said with a happy smile on my face. Three more rounds of people came in and soon we were all gathered in the living room to do our introductions.

I was sitting in between a lovely girl named Elena and a silent Stud named Cody, two names I was sure to remember. After Elena finished her intro I stood up and did mine. "Hello everyone, my name is Liana, but you can all just call me Lia. I'm currently a student at USC, majoring in English and teaching." I sat down receiving the casual amount of applause one gets.

dr: Of course I'm not gonna tell these idiots I almost have a PhD in behavioral psychology. That raises so many red flags, so quickly. I already have a target on my back just walking through the front doors.

After we finish and do our cheer's Julie comes on the TV to tell us a few things about temptations this summer. As we all walked into the back yard there were a ton of flower chairs for us to sit in, and in those chairs were buzzers. The rules for this temptation were quite simple, be the first person to hit your buzzer and win twenty-five thousand dollars. While that much money would do wonders to help pay off some student loans, I don't jump when the light turns green.

But of course, someone does and the first twist of the night is thrown at us. "Who do you thing got it?" Elena whispered lowly to me. I shrugged my shoulders and walked with her back into the house where we sat in the kitchen.

I could really care less about who won the money. I care about how the hell this twist could shake up my game.

The doorbell rings, causing everyone in the house to jump on their feet and look to see who else is here. "Sorry I'm late!" A tattooed angel comes yelling through the doors with BB duffel bag of his shoulder. It was Paul, runner up from BB18. We all gathered around to greet him, I was a big fan of his game last season and was super pissed that he lost to Nicole. "Wait, are you playing the game with us?" Someone asked, stupidly. It was such a dumb question that even Paul raised an eyebrow, "Yeah! I'm not just visiting!" He said working his way through the crowd of people.

Myself and a few others followed him back to the bedrooms, "Who's bed is this?"He pointed to the one in the corner of the Love room, the one that had my duffel bag already on it. "Oh that's mine." I said loud enough, but not in a rude way. Paul drops his bag on it, "It's not just your's anymore." He walks over and give me a hug, "Hi, I'm Paul, were gonna be sharing a bed for a bit." He pulled out of the hug and shook my hand. I chuckled, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Liana. Just so you know, I tend to hog the covers." I say before heading back to the living room.

"House guests!" Julies voice chimes through the house as everyone runs to the couches to grab a seat. I end up sitting beside Elena again, next to one of the eviction chairs, where Paul happily took a seat. "As you all know now, one of the temptations was accepted and as a result of that, Paul, you were brought into the game. But since there are seventeen of you, Paul will be taken one your places in the game." The tension in the room rises, dramatically. "But since Paul is such an advocate for friendship, we have given him nine friendship bracelets. Theses bracelets provide safety for tonight's eviction, and to earn a bracelet, you have to tempt Paul into giving you one. Paul, as you are already in the game you may take one of the bracelets and we will come back to you when Paul has made his final decisions." The screen went blank and we all shivered with fear. 

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