Nominations and the first clues

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Nominations are today and I'm actually starting to feel a little more comfortable in the house. Everyone loves me so far, and I doubt any of them are suspicious of me being apart of BB Legends twist.

"Guys!" I heard Raven yell from living room. It was mid morning and I was still tired from waking up, so I hadn't left the bed all morning. Paul hadn't either so we were talking a lot about random things here and there. "Guys there's something on the TV!" The tiny red head yelled again, this time gaining more attention from the rest of the house.

"This weeks hints for the BB Legend is all about brains. Genius runs in this family, since they both have degree's. Wait for the next clue, you'll figure it out with ease." Matt read, standing with his arm around Raven. 

"That was very Doctor Seuss." I say with an amused smirk on my face. My smirk get's wiped away by Paul pinching me on the ribs, while everyone was still read the clue and thought.

"So, is anyone gonna fess up?" Josh asked us all as he started to walk away from the group of people. After another thirty second everyone went back to what they were doing. I snuck off to the pantry to find a box of cereal I didn't hate.

"What do you have a degree in?!" Paul whisper shouts at me, leaning against the closer door. I found a box of cheerios hiding behind all the special K. "Behavioral analysis and psychology. Just my masters, though. I should have my PhD by this time next year." I explain, leaving the box on the counter. Paul's jaw dropped open, "So you told everyone you're a teacher?" I nodded my head.

"Is there anything else you're lying to the house about that I should know?" He asked half serious. I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm minoring in digital marketing and business." I say, shyly. Paul shook his head and walked walked out of the pantry with me with his arm around my shoulders.

"Joining the showmancers?" Jessica called out as Paul and I walked into the kitchen. 

We've been in the house less then a week and we already have three showmances going on, and they're all in my alliance. 

"You wish, Jess." I say, pouring my cereal into a bowl before Paul pours the milk in for me. I handed him the yellow box of cheerios and he made his own bowl. "But, I'd bet I'm making your boyfriend back home pretty jealous, aren't I, Lia?"  Paul said with a raised eyebrow. Jessica places her elbows on the table and cups her face in her hands, watching Paul shamelessly flirt with me.

I chuckled and grabbed a banana from on top of the fridge, "What makes you so confident I have a boyfriend waiting for me on the outside?" I question him right back. Paul had sat down on the counter with his cereal in his lap, "You're smart, beautiful, funny, how couldn't you have a million idiots drooling over you?" He swished around the milk in his bowl with a metal spoon. 

Jessica in the dr: The flirtation-ship between Paul and Liana is unreal. Ever since Paul walked through those doors he has been starring down Lia with giant heart eyes, and she is not having any of it.

Before I could respond, Jessica stole my shot to speak, "Do you guys think Paul and Lia would be cute together?!" She called up to Mark and Elena who were playing chess on the balcony. "So cute." Mark said with no emotion in his voice. It made me and Paul laugh at how he didn't even turn his head in our direction. "Paul, tell us something you don't like about her!" Elena said. I took my bowl to the table and sat next to Jessica. I smirked and mouthed "the covers" to her, and a small smile grew more on her face. 

"Oh my, God. This woman doesn't know how to share a bed at all!" He shouted in fake outrage. Jason and Kevin walked in the house to see what was going on. "The first day she told me she hogs the covers, but I thought she was joking! Literally all week I've been pushed onto a quarter of the bed because she sleeps like a starfish and refuses to cuddle with me." Everyone was laughing and Cody had even left his HOH room to see what was going on.

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