Sketching the lines

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"I feel very conflicted." I say to Jessica as she laid beside me in the hammock.

"I understand." She responded.

"I want to keep Cody safe, I really do, Jess. But I can't risk my game for someone who will always be a huge target." I try to guilt Jessica into thinking I'm being pushed into a corner.

Jessica in the dr: Because Lia won the Veto, the majority of the house, and more importantly Paul, is going to be pressuring her to use it so the house can backdoor Cody. She said that she would try to keep us around, but her relationship with Paul in this game is him manipulating her with this whole showmance act, and it sucks that we can' do anything now.

"One of us will just have to win HOH next week, then we'll backdoor Paul." Jessica stated, rolling onto her stomach to get more sun.

I have Jessica in a very interesting position this week. She acknowledges that I'm going to use the Veto and evict her boyfriend because he screwed the whole house over, but then she also still trust my lies enough that she believes we're going to evict my boyfriend when we get into power. Regardless, Dominique is next on my hit list, so Jessica won't have to worry a hair on her pretty little head.

After talking to Jessica outside I notice that Paul had finally done his laundry, "It must be a full moon tonight." I say walking over to him as he pulled his clothes out of the dryer. He had a pair of my sunglasses on again, but I could tell he was rolling his eyes, "Quite hysterical, Little Kirby." He mumbled, closing the door with a little bit of a slam.

He walked fairly quickly into the house, leaving me slightly confused. I chose to ignore it and walked into the kitchen to see what Jason was making for lunch. Before I could even sit down, Josh came down the stairs and pulled me into the apple room, "Whatever you did to Paul, he is pissed." He said in a low voice. 

I furrowed my eyebrows in pure confusion, "What the fuck did I do to Paul?" I ask him, expecting he knew what was up with Paul's pissy behavior. Josh put his hands up in defense, "I don't know what you did. But Paul came back up to the HOH room and said word for word, 'I can't believe Liana has the balls to act all cute with me. Fucking bitch.' Then locked himself in the bathroom without another word." He explained.

I stormed up to the HOH room, "What the hell is your problem Paul?" I snapped before the door behind me had the chance to close.

"Did Josh believe I was actually upset with you?" He asked, walking around the HOH room shirtless. I nodded my head and embraced him in a quick hug, "He's so worried for us, I love it." I say with a smile on my face before Paul gives me a quick kiss on the lips. 

"I can't believe Cody thought he could drive a wedge between us." Paul said, placing all my things in a laundry basket. "He wants me to separate from your side of the house so I won't feel pressured to use the Veto. This is just gonna make it more sweet." I say, tossing all my makeup that was sprawled across the bathroom counter into a secure makeup bag. I wrap the bag around a pair of sweatpants and a few shirts, "If one bottle breaks I will make your life in this house Hell." I say, grabbing onto his face to give another kiss.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly, picking me up off the ground, "It's only till next week." He said between kisses. I nod my head and start to work the tears into my eyes. After Paul put's me down, I take a deep breath and make a B-line for the door, "You re such a child, Paul!" I yell, loud enough to get the houses' attention.

"That's real rich Lia, considering you're the one crying like a baby!" He shouts back at me. I hurry down the staircase, "All you do is talk about how you have shit under control, I thought you would be able to make a decent game move for yourself!" He calls out as I "try" to walk away from the scene, "How can anyone make a move for themselves, you're the one telling people what to do Paul! You're just being pissy because I want to start thinking for myself!" I screech.

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