Just a little too observant

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"Hey guys, it's time for the nomination ceremony." Paul calls us in from the backyard.

Everyone took a seat around the kitchen table, and Paul stood at the front with his two keys in the block. "This the nomination ceremony, it my job as Head of Household to nominate two house guests for eviction, when I turn the keys in my nomination block, the two people I have nominated faces will appear on the memory wall." Paul said. "Actually," Ramses interrupted the ceremony and stood up. "Since I was bitten by the snake in the Den of Temptation, I have to volunteer to go on the block as a special third nominee within the next three weeks." He explained. My heart dropped into my stomach. This was either the absolute best or worst news I could be hearing this week.

Paul continued on with his nominations, turning the first key, Josh's faces appeared on the wall. After Paul turned the second key, Alex's face appeared below Josh's and Paul gave a simple, half-assed speech to the two. Looking around, I could tell Cody wasn't buying it and neither was Jess. "This nomination ceremony is adjourned." Paul said, walking away form the scene with the nomination block.

So Ramses is on the block, and if he wins Veto and pulls himself down, there's no replacement nom. I don't if there are Big Brother Gods, or the producers just really like me, but if Ramses pulls through, I'll have kept my word to Cody and maybe get out an ally that I don't really need.

I hugged Alex and Josh and went into the apple room with Alex to talk about the Veto. "So Paul asked me about an alliance between you me and him. Does he know we're already working together?" Alex asked me as soon as the door clicked shut. I shook my head 'no' and leaned into the wave couch, "I mentioned, 'hey Alex is a really good person, we should align with her and Jason.' Because if we all started working together, we would have all sides of the house." I explained to her. 

She nodded her head along and I continued to talk to her, "This Veto is probably going to be one of the most crucial of the summer, so we can't have Jess or Cody playing under any circumstances." After I finished my sentence, Paul knocked on the door while walking in. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me, "So far so good," He speaks quietly. "We need to talk to Ramses, asap." I said as Paul and Alex nodded their heads. 

"He could screw us all over if he wins that Veto." I say again, this time more quietly.

I realize that my alli- my main alliance, is going to be really not okay with Ramses making it off the block, but this is the card that Jessica and Cody needed. Depending on if Cody does what I asked of him this week, I have to stick with Paul and Alex for this week.


I was laying in the HOH room with Paul on the bed, Alex, Jason and Kevin were on the couches. We were all going back and forth between talking about ourselves, snacking and talking game. It was the most comfortable atmosphere anyone could be in inside the Big Brother house.

"My lips are so chapped." I think out loud.

Paul looked down at my lips to examine them for himself, "Holy shit, they are." He said in a semi-amused voice. I sit up and move across the room to show the others what I was talking about, "Oh my God, Paul! How aggressively do you kiss her?" Alex exclaimed in shock, analyzing the patches of flaky, dead, white skin and tender area's covered in red marks.

"I am a great kisser Alex, thank you very much." Paul said in-a-matter-of-fact.

I rolled my eyes as I walked into the bathroom to look for my lip balm, "That's very arguable." I mumble, loud enough for everyone to hear me. Kevin and Jason laughed at my remark, but wasn't seeming to have any of it. I searched the counters for my light green ball of lip balm, "Paul?" I call across the room.

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