Chapter 38

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"Evan! That was so awesome! Who knew abandoned places could be so much fun! Was I scared? Of course, because once we were in there you told it was haunted by demon children, but it was fun! Thanks for taking me!" Jonathan said, wrapping his arms around Evan in a tight hug.

Evan returned the hug, wrapping his own arms around Jonathan, feeling comfortable now that his wings had faded, and he kissed his head. "I knew you'd like it. Now, come on, we have to go to school."


"Ah, October, my favorite month!" Craig said, his elbows holding up his head as he looked at the rest of his friends.

"You just like scaring children." Evan said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, come on, Ev. You like scaring them too!" Craig countered.

"True, but I never denied it. So, what are we doing for this month?" Evan asked, looking at everyone.

"What do you mean? The only day we have to do anything is on Halloween, otherwise it's like a regular month." Jonathan said from beside Evan.

Evan turned to him, face-palming. "No, no you don't get it. It's the scariest month of the year-"

"I thought that was when your birthday came?"

"Shut the fuck up, Craig, I was doing a dramatic dialogue like they do in the movies. Anyway, it's the scariest month and we have to do something! Come on, just on Halloween? The end of the month? Like a group of basic bitches? No, we need to do something!" Evan said.

"Well, you do have a point, so, what should we do?" Marcel asked, looking at Evan.

"Well, obviously, we should go to the most haunted place in town." Evan replied nonchalantly.

"Oh! And we could play the Ouija Board too!" Craig offered, excitement in his eyes.

"Yeah! That would be fun, talking to-" Evan was cut off by Jonathan.

"No, we're not summoning demons, Evan."

"I'm hurt! What do you have against demons? What have they done to you?"

"Nothing, I just don't fuck with something that could seriously mess up my life. Demons are bad things, I don't want them in my life!" Jonathan shot back.

Evan stifled a laugh, and tried to keep his face away from a hurt expression, because they didn't know that both him and Craig were demons.

"You don't even have to touch the thing, you know. Anyway, let's put it to a vote, all in favor of scary place and Ouija Board, raise your hand." Half of the group, including Evan and Craig, raised their hand.

"Damnit, it appears we've reached a tie. Marcel, care to share your thoughts on the matter?"

"Nope, I don't want to summon ghosts. I'll go to the place, but I won't summon shit."

"Ugh, fine, you're no fun. Jonathan! Come on, it won't be that scary, please? It's not that much worse than that abandoned place I took you to on Saturday!"

"Wait, what? You guys went somewhere abandoned? Do you know how unsafe that is?"

"Shut up, David. I wasn't talking to you. Please, Jonathan?"

"No, Evan."

"Anyone wanna help me out here? Seriously?" Evan looked at all his friends, who were shaking their heads. Even Craig.

"You know what? Fine, I don't need you guys. Jonathan, look at me." Jonathan complied, and as soon as his head turned towards Evan he was pulled into a kiss, Evan's hands holding his head in place. They stayed like that for about a minute, before Evan pulled away, standing up and grabbing his backpack.

"Have fun explaining!" He called over his shoulder as he ran away.

"You're such a dick!" Jonathan yelled at his boyfriend as he turned to his friends, all wearing shock in their expressions. Well, except Craig, he knew. "What? We're dating, got a problem?"

"Wait, you're dating? Since when? Craig! How are you not phased by this at all?!" Tyler said, glancing at Craig.

"Because I knew?" Craig answered, then a second after knew that was wrong. "I mean, you two are dating? Since when? Oh, actually, look at the time, I gotta go too. I forgot that me and Evan had that thing, you know the thing that we both have to do at this convenient time. Yeah, that thing. See ya!" Craig then bolted from the table much like Evan had. "Evan! Wait up!"

"Damn." Jonathan said. "That was actually pretty clever." He crossed his arms and looked at his friends, who were staring at him expectantly. "So fucking clever."


"Evan! How could you do that to me?" Jonathan said as soon as he saw his boyfriend the next day.

Evan began to walk towards the school. "Hey, you're the one who didn't want to go to a haunted place and talk to demons!"

"And what's wrong with that? I don't want to talk to a demon! What if it wants my soul?" Jonathan countered.

"Oh, come on, I'm sure if a demon wanted your soul or whatever, they would have better means of doing it than from a board that's meant for third graders." Evan said, rolling his eyes.

"Ah yes, I always knew that arguing about demons was the perfect representation of romance." Brock said sarcastically, interrupting the couple.

"Very funny, Brock! It's probably gonna be hilarious when you get fucked by a demon!"

"Sounds hot, to be honest." Marcel said, smirking.

"What the fuck?" Brian said, looking at Marcel in shock. Marcel shrugged.

"That came out wrong, fuck me! Shit!" Jonathan said, causing everyone to laugh.

"You should just stop while you're ahead, I don't want any demons around here getting the wrong idea." Evan joked. Everyone burst into laughter as Jonathan buried his head in Evan's chest in embarrassment.

"You're mean." He mumbled against his boyfriend's chest.

"Yeah, but I got a cute boyfriend." Evan smiled.

"Awww, I ship it!" David said in almost a squeal, grinning widely and earning a glare from Evan.

"Shut up, before I feed you to the demons." He said as they continued to school, the couple's hands locked together.

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