Chapter 25

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Extra long chapter! :) Also I have a few more announcements, first, I am going to update next Thursday because I'm going on vacation next Friday and will be on a plane all day. 


Fear rushed through Craig as he reached the last stair, seeing Evan slump over, a pool of blood forming around him. The glass crunched as his body hit it, and that noise kicked him into gear.

"Evan!" He shouted fearfully, practically ripping his backpack off his shoulders and sprinting to the restroom to find bandage, succeeding within a few panicked filled minutes.

He rushed back out and crouched next to his brother, grabbing his arm and starting to pull out the large glass pieces.

"You're gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine. This is all my fault, all my fault." He repeated phrases along those lines repeatedly, wrapping Evan's arm in bandages and picking him up to make sure he had no other cuts.

"Come on, Ev, wake up, please. I'm sorry." He cleared a small space of glass and laid Evan back down, he needed to get rid of all the glass otherwise Evan could get hurt more in transport.

He heard a sound, it was coming from Evan's room, Craig recognized it as Evan's ringtone. Someone was calling him, and he had a sinking feeling it was Jonathan.

Ignoring it, Craig first took the broken mirror downstairs, then grabbed a broom and dustpan, heading back up once more. He swept up the glass, and continued to sweep after he had thrown it out to make sure there were no other shards left. After that was done, he grabbed a rag to clean up the blood, which was already starting to dry.

"Shit, why am I such an asshole?" He crossly asked himself as he finished the last bit of cleaning up.

He stared at his brother's body after he had put everything away, what should he do? He knew the right thing to do was put him in his bed, but Craig knew Evan would want to kill him more if he was in his room without permission.

Eventually, and maybe a bit stupidly, he decided on bring out an air mattress from one of the storage rooms and lying Evan on it. Yes, taking Evan to his room would have been better, but Craig was already in major trouble with Evan, he didn't want to end up in murderous territory.

Craig sat next to the air mattress, his eyes focused on the rise and fall of his best friend's chest. "He's gonna be fine." He kept repeating to himself over and over again. "He's gotta be fine."

The time was 4:35 pm.


It was five hours later that Evan woke up, Craig had been patiently waiting next to him, his phone forgotten in the pocket of his backpack.

Evan's eyes shot open, and as soon as he saw Craig next to him, he threw a punch straight at his face.

Craig reeled backwards from the force of the punch. "Is that what I get for helping you?" He asked, momentarily forgetting about the morning's argument.

It was then that Evan noticed the bandages wrapping around his forearm, but he ignored them as he shot Craig a death glare. "You deserved it." He snarled.

"Okay, yeah, I did deserve that, but you could have bled to death if I didn't help you! How many stupid things do you have to do to realize that you need me?" Craig shot back at him, feeling the skin under his nose for any traces of blood, there was none, his nose was not broken. He didn't even notice that he had once again said the wrong thing.

"Oh, so you want to get back to the topic of stupidity, huh? Well, it's kind of stupid for you to bitch to me about the fucking rules when you go and break one this morning!" Evan sat up, being careful of his arm, which still stung.

Protection From Hell (H2OVanoss FanFic)[COMPLETED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя