Chapter 3

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Almost three hours later, Craig woke up in a room similar to Evan's. A small bed, round table, two chairs, a nightstand, lamp, and a clock on the wall. Obviously, they had not been decorated by someone with a sense of interior design. The place looked like a modified doctor's office, smelled like one too.

At first Craig was confused, he didn't know where he was or how he had gotten here. Then he slowly started to remember how he and Evan had both passed out at the choosing ceremony. In fact, he could still feel his head throb a little from the violent vibrations that had convulsed through him at the ceremony.

Why did demons have to be so skilled in the art of torture?

He looked around the room, trying to find his friend, but he was completely alone in the room. He started to panic, he had no idea where Evan was and for all he knew something terrible could be happening to him, which scared Craig because Evan was his best friend and he wouldn't know what to do with himself if something happened to him. Or what his parents would do to him.....just the thought of that could send shivers down his spine. His parents could be scary, very scary.

No demons really knew what happened after you're chosen at the ceremony. You pass out, and you get carried to Guardian Headquarters, after that it's all a mystery. No one even knew when the demons go to Earth.

A few doctors came to check on Craig, and he asked all of them about Evan. But only the last one had answered him, obviously to shut him up.

"Your friend left a few hours ago, he woke up quite early. Most definitely unusual for a guardian but to each their own I suppose." It read 'Hopkins' on his badge that was neatly pinned to his coat, he wrote a few things down on his clipboard.

Craig nodded, satisfied with the doctor's answer. "Thank you Doctor, I just wanted to make sure he was ok." He replied truthfully, relieved that Evan wasn't hurt.

"I completely understand, Mr. Ladd. But I can assure you he is fine." Dr. Hopkins said, exiting the room, the door shutting softly behind him. Once again Craig was alone.

There was a door on the opposite side of the room which one of the doctors had told him was a restroom. Since he had nothing to do, he wanted to see if anything had been done to his physical features whilst he was unconscious, specifically his wings, which were very important to a demon.

The room was clean, and had the appeal and look of an average hotel room. Plain and boring, no personality. Turning towards the mirror Craig carefully lifted up his shirt, where his wings were hidden. They didn't appear to be damaged but he stretched them out anyway, some of the black feathers falling off as he spread them as far as they could go, which was the length of the restroom.

He carefully inspected his soft black wings, looking for any damage that could have happened while he was passed out. Fortunately, there was nothing, his wings were fine.

He breathed a sigh of relief as he returned to the main part of his room, sitting himself down at the small table. Waiting.

He didn't wait long though, because a few minutes another doctor came in and explained the procedure to him. They were going to run a few more tests on him, give him the serum then he should be ready to go home. Craig nodded, after all, doctors did know best.


An hour later, Craig stood in front of his house, nothing fancy just a standard two story, painted black as houses usually were in hell, it was a Demon signature.

He walked up the few short steps they had and faced the door, which was a dark burgundy, turning the knob and bracing himself for his parents, who were sure to worry about their son becoming a guardian and going to Earth in a week.

He was right, his parents were waiting on the couch and as soon as Craig had walked in, they rushed over to him and checked him over, bringing him into a tight hug.

"Oh Craig! Evan told us what happened, I can't believe you two are guardians! Far too young in my opinion, considering they never pick teenagers. Are you hurt? What happened?" Craig's mother fussed, lifting her son's arms and checking his wings. Craig shooed her away.

"Mom, I'm fine. They just told me we're leaving in a week to start our mission." Craig said, continuing to get both of his parents to stop worrying about him. He looked around the room, no Evan. "Where's Evan?" He asked, curious about his friend's whereabouts but also trying to escape his parent's protectiveness, it did get annoying after a while.

"Oh, he's in his room packing I think, you should do the same, Craig. After all you are going to be living in Earth for Lucifer knows how long." His mother stated, tears starting to form in her eyes.

Yes, even demons can cry. They're not completely heartless bastards.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm going to miss you so much! I just can't believe my baby boy is going to be a guardian demon, and as a teenager as well!" She cried, giving her son a tight hug, his father joining in, a few tears falling from his eyes as well.

Craig reluctantly gave in to the hug, after all, once he had left for Earth, who knew when he would return. He would be away from his family for so long.

The three stood together in the living room, embracing one another as if this would be the last they would see each other, and maybe it would be, he was only there for one more week.

The moment finally ended when the family heard a throat being cleared from the stairs. They broke apart as Craig turned around to be greeted by Evan, his best friend.

"Evan! Thank Lucifer you're alright, I don't know what I would've done if something happened to you..." Craig held Evan in a surprise hug, which Evan awkwardly returned, he wasn't really the type to enjoy hugs, or any type of physical contact.

"Nice to see you too, bro." Evan said, patting his friend's back. Craig understood that Evan was uncomfortable so he pulled away, instead smiling at his brother.

Evan and Craig were technically brothers, even though Evan had been adopted by Craig's family after an 'incident' occurred with his parents- even years later, Craig knew Evan still couldn't talk about what happened. But they were still a family nonetheless, and that's what mattered.

Craig followed his friend up to his room and discovered that Evan had almost finished all of his packing, since most of his possessions had already been put in boxes and stacked around the room, three boxes to a stack. And about half of them had already been labeled with a thick black marker. Looks like Evan was anxious to get out of Hell.

"I guess you don't need any help then." Craig said, giving a light chuckle. Evan shook his head.

"Nope, I got it covered. I still can't believe we're going to Earth!" Evan looked excited, Craig couldn't remember the last time Evan had been so happy about something. It must've been years ago.....

"I guess it is exciting, but I'm really gonna miss this place." Craig worded his sentence carefully, trying not to directly say that he was going to miss his parents since he knew that it would upset Evan.

Evan sighed. "Me too, but I've always wanted to go to Earth, I mean, we learn so much about it, but we never experience it. You know?"

Craig nodded, he knew exactly what Evan meant. They learn so much about humans in demon school, but they've never really met one, besides the one that had been placed in Hell, but they were different. So now that they were going to Earth, they could finally see what makes humans so special for themselves, and not just in a textbook.

Because, Demons were bad, Angels were good. But Humans....

Humans had a choice.

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