Chapter 4

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"Have you heard the rumor going around?"

"Which one, David? There's dozens if you hadn't noticed."

"The one about two new kids transferring here, I heard that they've been homeschooled since kindergarten."

"Oh, I heard that one! Supposedly they're moving here from England, right?"

"Yeah I think so, but I don't see why they would want to go to public school all of a sudden. Homeschool sounds like a dream come true, so does living in England."

"Maybe it's their parents decision, you know what kind of logic they have."

"I guess you're right, Marcel."

"Took you long enough to realize it. I'm a fucking genius."


The two boys continued down the street, following their normal route to school, walking two blocks, make a left when they hit PlumCreek Road, then a right on Cliff, then go straight another two blocks. As they neared Cliff, they saw the rest of their friends- Tyler, Brock, Lui, Brian, and Jonathan-they waved as they reached them, fist bumping and high fives all around before they continued to school.


"Tyler, did you hear about the new kids?"

"Of course I have, everyone has been talking about them since some guy in a limo came to register them last week."

"Oh right, I forgot that happened. I just can't believe they're getting here on Monday! You think we might get a class with them?"

"Alright Lui, I think you're getting ahead of yourself. We know nothing about these kids, they could be rich snobs for all we know."

"Or they could be super cool and want to be our friends! Like Marcel!"

"You are so optimistic aren't you? And Marcel isn't a rich snob, he's cool."

"The glass is half full, bro. And Marcel could be a rich snob if he wanted to."

"Shut up, squeaker."


2 Days in Hell Later (4 Earth Days)

"Ev! Can you help me pack real quick? I just need to shove my bedsheets in this box and I don't know how to fold!" Craig called to Evan from his room, his door had been open so he could easily transfer boxes in and out.

"Yeah, one second!"

Evan finished sealing the box he had just packed, it contained his picture frames and a few notebooks, then he bounded over to Craig's room, noticing that hardly one fourth of the room was in boxes.

He's gonna be packing the entire week if he continues at this pace, Evan thought to himself as he joined Craig, who was standing next to his bed, a pile of bedsheets on top of it next to a cardboard box.

Craig handed the bedsheets to Evan and watched as his brother expertly folded them and placed them into the box neatly, doing the same with the pile of blankets that had been lazily tossed onto the bed.

"I still don't understand how you do that so easily." Craig awed as Evan placed down a neat stack of folded blankets, he shrugged.

"One of us had to know." Evan replied, walking back towards his room to continue packing, which he was practically done with at this point. All he had left was his posters and a few more shelves on his bookcase, which was practically empty.


Meanwhile on Earth

It was Thursday, and it seemed that the entire school was buzzing with excitement about the new students. It wasn't very often that new kids transferred there, especially kids that had people in limousines register them.

To say that the school was excited had to be an understatement, especially with all the rumors that they were moving from England.

And the girls, don't even get me started on the girls.

They were busy planning outfits for Monday, gossiping about what the new kids would be like, and other girl things. Whatever those were, they were not good.

At this point the guys were sure of one thing, there was no way the new kids would take an interest in them.


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