Chapter 27

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Later that evening, Sarah and I were getting ready to go to dinner. She was in the bathroom, getting ready, and I was waiting in the main room of the hotel room, waiting for her to finish up.
I wasn't sure what sure what she was wearing, as she said she wanted to surprise me. On the other hand, I knew she was going to be wearing something nice, as we were going to a more up-scale restaurant, the Blue Water Cafe. I was wearing a nice red shirt with a collar, a black suit vest, a blue tie, tan pants, and nice black shoes.
"Hey, are you almost ready?" I asked as I gently knocked on the door.
"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute," she responded.
I sighed. "Okay, just be quick. It's already six, and our reservations are for seven."
"I know, I know. Give five minutes and I'll be out, okay?" she responded with an annoyed sigh.
"Odevayut," I mumbled. "If we're late, don't blame me."
Sarah sighed. "We won't. Remember, Lilith is going to be driving us. We're going together."
"I know."
"All right, I'm coming out," she then said.
She then came out of the bathroom, and I wasstunned by what I saw. She looked amazing. Sarah was really never one for makeup, and she wore the bare minimum that she could for her performances. However, tonight she was wearing a bit more than that. To be specific, she was wearing foundation, a some of eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and even a bit of blush. I knew all of that as I've worn makeup in the past myself, as all skaters do.
What she waswearing was also amazing. She had black leggings, black dress shoes, and a pink blouse that was strapless.
I was at a complete loss for words. ""
Sarah chuckled. "What? Am I not allowed to dress for the occasion?"
I shook my head. " are, I never expected you to wear something like this."
She smiled. "Well, I like to surprised people from time to time."
I nodded, and gently grabbed her hand. "Anyways, are you ready to go?"
She nodded, grabbing her small purse from the counter. "I am."
With that, we went downstairs, where Lilith, Leo, Yuri, and Viktor were waiting for us.

Once we got to the lobby, everyone's mouth dropped.
" look amazing," Yuri said as he fumbled with his suit vest, which he was wearing with a blue shirt and black tie.
Sarah smiled. "Thanks. It truly is a big night, so I decided to dress for the occasion."
Lilith, who was wearing a nice yellow sweater, nodded. "I mean, this is a step up from what I normally wear, but...I think you take home the show."
Leo, who was wearing the same thing as all the other guys, except with a purple shirt and white tie, nodded. "Out of all the times I've seen you dress up Sarah, this has got to be the best."
Viktor, who had a grey shirt and green tie, sighed. "Anyways, we should probably get going."
Sarah nodded. "Right."
With that, we all went out and piled into Lilith's car, and made our way to the restaurant.


Once we got there, Lilith pulled into a spot next to a motorcycle.
Sarah looked at it. "...if I knew any better, I'd say that was Elyse's motorcycle, but she can't be here. She's back at her house."
I nodded. "Indeed. It could be the same kind, right?"
Sarah nodded. "That's always a possibility."
I ever so slightly smirked. What I wasn't telling her was that it was Elyse's motorcycle. She texted me a few days ago, saying she had to do some work at the Monstercat Headquarters, and where exactly the Grand Prix Final wad being held. I then told her that after Sarah's short program, no matter how good or bad she did, we were going to go to the Blue Water Cafe for a seafood dinner. It was then that we agreed that she'd come here to surprise Sarah.

We then went into the restaurant, and a female voice then spoke up.
"It's about god damn time you got here, Miss Agape."
Sarah then turned to see who it was, and nearly screamed when she saw that it was Elyse, wearing a nice blue shirt, and black pants. Of course, she was holding her biker jacket in her arm. "Elyse! I had no idea you were coming!" she cried out as she ran to give her best friend a hug.
Elyse smiled as she hugged back. "Come on, Sarah. Why wouldn't I take the opportunity to see you at the Grand Prix Final? I had to be in Vancouver for some stuff with Monstercat, so I texted Yurio asking where everything was, and he told me you were coming here tonight."
Sarah nodded. "Right. In any case, let's get our table. I'm hungry."
Yuri nodded. "Sounds like a good idea."
With that, we went and got our table.

About half way through our meal, Elyse decided to strike up a conversation. "So, have either of you proposed yet?" she asked.
Sarah shook her head. "No, not yet. However, I have a feeling that it'll happen soon enough."
Viktor, who had taken a bite, chuckled. "If I didn't know any better, I would say that what you said was basically a confirmation for us."
Sarah then turned away from us, obviously blushing. "V-Viktor...please..." she mumbled. "Stop embarrassing me..."
Elyse sighed as she placed a hand on Sarah's shoulder. "Hey, it'll be okay, you hear me?"
She nodded, and turned back around as she put something in her pocket. "Ok. Viktor, just...just promise not to joke around anymore, please?"
Viktor sighed. "All right, all right. Though it was fun while it lasted. Reminds me of when I kept teasing Yuri before he proposed to me."
Yuri went red at his comment. "V-Viktor! If you're not allowed to tease Sarah, then you aren't allowed to tease me either!"
Viktor sighed. "Fine then, suit yourself."
Yurisighed as he took a bite of his lobster. "Thank you."
Luckily for us, we finished eating our meal without another incident.

About half an hour later, we were outside of the restaurant, getting ready to part ways with Elyse.
"It was nice seeing you again," Sarah said as she hugged her.
Elyse nodded, hugging back. "Hey, don't you worry. I'll be at the rink tomorrow to cheer you on."
Sarah smiled. "Thanks."
Elyse chuckled. "Hey, you know I'd do anything for you."
Sarah nodded. "Of course. That's why I love you so much as a friend."
I then spoke up. "I hate to break it up, but I think it's about time we head back to the hotel."
"Actually, not quite yet," Sarah said as she reached into her pocket.
That's when I realized what she was doing, and I went into a full blush.
Before I even had time to react, Sarah was in front of me, on one knee.
She then took a deep breath before speaking. "I...Yurio, you've been by my side through thick and thin. You helped me become the amazing skater that I am today. If it wasn't for you, I don't know if I'd be on the ice today. There was a crack in the ice, and you helped me fix it. Yurio...I don't ever want you to leave my side, and I never want to leave yours. That's why...Yuri Plisetsky, will you marry me?" she asked as she opened the box, revealing a golden ring.
I wasted no time at all with giving her my response. "O-of course I will Sarah," I said with a smile.
Sarah smiled back as she shakily took the ring out of the box, and slipped it on my finger.
She was then about to get up and kiss me, but I stopped her. "Not so fast," I said as I pulled out the box her ring was in. "You literally read my mind tonight, Sarah. If you hadn't proposed, I was going to do it," I said before slipping the ring on her finger.
Sarah then smiled as she stood up and pulled me in for a kiss. "We're going to have to start planning our wedding as soon as the Grand Prix Final is over with," she said.
Elyse then piped in. "If you don't invite me-"
Sarah cut her off. "Elyse, don't worry. You'll be invited, okay?"
I slightly chuckled. "All right. In any case, let's get back to the hotel."
Sarah nodded. "Right."

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