Chapter 1

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I grumbled as I watched Sarah from the side of the rink. Her Quad Toe-Triple Lutz was getting better, but it still needed work. I was actually quite impressed by how far she'd come along in the past few weeks.


She'd been through a lot the last month or so, and it's hard to believe that she's already back on the ice. But it's the truth. And I think that everything that she's been through influenced her choice for her theme this year. Recovery.
She's already determined that her short program is going to be In Regards to Love: Agape. Personally, I couldn't think of a more fitting program for her. Since agape refers to an unconditional kind of love, it perfectly reflects the kind of love she got through her recovery. She'll have no problem skating it with true emotion. The sequence is the same as when I originally did it, but we changed my Quad Salchow-Triple Loop combo to a Quad Toe-Triple Lutz, and a slight change to the spin sequence, so all requirements were able to be met. Of course, the step sequence will also be changed, so it more fits Sarah's style. The unitard she's going to wear is a somewhat modified version of what I wore when I first skated to the song.
Her Free Skate is to a somewhat older pop song called On Top of the World, a song by a group called Imagine Dragons. The program somewhat repeats itself, but it's expected from a pop song, as it has a main chorus, and all that stuff. The whole theme of the song, at least from my understanding, is that no matter what obstacles you face, either of the emotional or physical kind, you'll be able to overcome them. Again, another perfect fit for what she's going through. The unitard is still being made, but the design has been finalized.
The base of it is black, but there are cut-out portions on the arms, which are then covered by a black mesh. As the unitard gets down to her arms, as well as her legs, it fades from black to a deep purple, and then to a brilliant shade of lavender. All over it there are spirals of crystals. And around the area of the crystals is a purple, darker than it is on the arms and legs, but a more vibrant shade, so it stands out against the rest of the uniform.
Being the way she is, Sarah of course requested gloves to go with the unitard, which will be the same shade of lavender used on the main part of the suit.
In any case, I feel like this season is going to be great for her.


I glanced at my watch.
Lilia and Yakov would be here any minute.
Sarah sighed as she skated over to where I was standing. "Yurio, you do realize that Lilia and Yakov will be here any minute, right?"
I nodded and tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "Of course, Sarah."
"Then why aren't you in the rink?" she asked, crossing her arms. "...don't tell me you forget your ice skates and you're too lazy to run home and grab them..."
"Weeeell..." I said with a bit of sarcasm, "I did forget them, but trust me. There is a reason for why I did so," I assured her.
She grumbled. "If you say so. don't know anymore about your Short Program either, do you?"
I shook my head again. "No. But, again, I promise that there's a reason for all-"

I was cut off as Yakov began shouting at me.
"Yuri! Why in the world aren't you in the rink?! Where are your skates?!"
I slightly grit my teeth, and gently pushed Sarah away as I went over to Yakov. "Yakov...I promise I can explain."
"Then do it," he said, crossing his arms.
However, before I was able to speak up, Lilia beat me to the punch. "...I already know where you're going with this, Yuri," she said with a slightly annoyed sigh. "Based on the way Viktor was talking with me yesterday, I should've had it figured out."
I raised an eyebrow. "You do?"
She nodded. "Yes. But I want to make sure I'm correct, so I want to hear it from you."
I nodded and took a deep breath. "...I, Yakov, please don't get mad, but this season...I'm following Viktor's footsteps."
Yakov grumbled. "So you're...taking an off season?"
I bit my tongue and nodded. "Yeah. But...don't go on thinking that I've lost interest in skating, because it isn't true. I...Sarah already has enough stress with recovering from her broken leg. I don't want her to have to worry about you two splitting your attention between me and her."
Yakov shook his head. "I don't know how I didn't see this coming...the more I think about it, the more I realize that you haven't been taking practice too seriously."
"Yurio...why...why didn't you tell me this...?" Sarah suddenly asked.

I turned around, and she was standing behind me, ready to cry.
"I...why are you d-doing this...?"
I put my hands up, surprised by her sudden mood swing. "Sarah, there's nothing to worry about! I promise! The reason I'm taking an off season is...for you," I said as I hugged her. "I want to be by your side this season," I said, looking into her eyes. "I want you to feel safe, and know that nothing will happen to you."
She nodded, and closed her eyes as she rested her head on my shoulder, and began to cry a bit. " you...! This m-means so much to m-me..."
I smiled, placing a quick kiss on her head, gently stroking her hair. "Of course. Anything for you, my little princess."

"Ahem," Yakov said, clearing his throat. "I'm glad that you're on the same level and all, but we have more important issues at hand."
I broke away from Sarah, and turned to face Yakov as I nodded. "Right. Sarah's already signed don't worry about me."
"That won't be a problem," Lilia said with a nod. "I think the real issue here is coaching fees."
Yakov sighed. "I say we lay them off. Yuri has a real reason for not competing this year, and I think we need to cut him some slack."
Lilia slightly hesitated, but did nod in agreement. "You have a point, Yakov. And since you're already in a bit of a tight spot, I'll personally cut my fees down to...ah, what would it be in American dollars...? Ten thousand? ...yes, ten thousand dollars."
Sarah slightly gasped. "Th-that less than half of what you normally charge!"
Lilia nodded. "My point exactly. I don't want you to have to quit skating just because of financial issues, Sarah. You're the best female skater I've ever known."
"Alright, alright," Yakov mumbled. "I'll cut mine down to fifteen thousand American dollars. But I expect you to win gold this year."
I let out a sigh of relief. "Lilia...Yakov...thank you so much..."
Lilia nodded. "It's not a problem, Yuri. Now, Sarah, just don't make me regret cutting my fees, understand?"
She nodded, wiping a few tears away from her eyes. "Of course. I...I won't let any of you down. This year...I'll win nothing but gold! Just watch me!"
I smiled, slightly ruffling her hair. "Now there's the Sarah that I know and love."
"Alright," Lilia sighed. "Get back on the ice, Sarah. We need to work on perfecting your conveyance of Agape."
With a nod, Sarah made her way back on the ice.

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