Chapter 25

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A few days later, December 13th to be exact, we were at the airport, getting ready to board our flight to Vancouver for the Grand Prix Final.
"So...who has seat 20B?" Sarah asked as we waited for boarding to start.
We all quickly glanced at our tickets. "I have 19B," I said.
Viktor then chuckled. "That's funny, Yurio. I have 19A."
"...and I have 20B," Yuri mumbled.
Yakov looked at us in confusion. "Huh? I made sure Sarah and Yurio were together, as were Viktor and Yuri. Did I mess up?"
I bit my lip. "I think you did..."
Before anyone could say anything, a voice came on over the intercom, saying it was time to board the plane.
Yakov looked between us. "...look, I'm sorry. At any rate, let's get on the plane."
I nodded. "That sounds like a good idea."
We all grabbed our carry-on, and boarded the plane.

We had been off of the ground for a few hours, and our group was in an odd silence. I didn't know if it was a factor of being tired, or not wanting to talk and seem odd, since our seats had been mixed up. Anyways, I felt like I needed to break said silence. "So, do you think you're going to win this year? I know you were so disappointed last year when you lost by half a point."
Sarah sighed and crossed her arms. "I honestly don't know. I hope I do, but Lilith has been training a lot since I've last seen her, so it's hard to judge where she is with her programs."
I sighed. "I guess you do have a point there." Honestly, I hated sitting in the window seat, as was Sarah. Due to the angle of everything, it was hard to see what Yuri was doing, if he was even doing anything. I mean, I trust Yuri, but now that I knew that they were in a past relationship, everything just seemed really odd to me.
"Hey, are you okay?" Viktor asked, snapping me from my trance.
I looked at him. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine."
He sighed. "If you say so. You were zoning out for a second."
"I'm positive that I'm fine," I said as I pulled my headphones out of my pocket.

I was about to put them in, but Sarah spoke up before I could do so. "Hey, Yurio. Can I tell you something?"
I then leaned forward so I could see her. "Of course you can. What is it?" I asked.
She slightly smiled. "I love you."
I silently chuckled. "I love you too, Sarah. Is that all you wanted to tell me?"
She shook her head. "No, not exactly. You see, should I put this.. okay, all I'm going to say is that you need to be prepared this week."
"Huh? What do I need to be prepared for?" I asked, really confused.
Sarah then sighed as she pulled her headphones out of her pocket and put them in before leaning back in her seat. "That's all I'm telling you."
Feeling defeated, I grumbled something under my breath in Russian, which caught Viktor's attention.
"Hey, no need for such language," he said.
"...whatever," I mumbled before putting my headphones in and leaning back.

It was killing me not knowing what Sarah meant. The worst part was that I feel like I should know what she's talking about. I knew as soon as I figured out what she meant, I was going to face palm so hard.
Not really having much to do, I unlocked my phone and started my music. Once I was done with that, I opened the internet, paid for connection, and closed it.
"What to do..." I quietly mumbled.
I began to quickly scroll through between the few pages of apps that I had on my phone, and the solution to my boredom quickly came in the form of a notification. I was going to scroll through iFunny.
With a sigh, I opened the app, and began to look through the Featured posts. The first ten or so didn't really do much for me. Sure, they were all funny, but that's about it.
I then finished going through my Featured, and decided to scroll through my Collective.
The first picture I saw made everything fall into place. It was two cards from Cards Against Humanity, and the caption read 'When you know your girlfriend is cheating, but won't tell you'. The black card said 'What is being kept a secret from you?', and the white card said 'Exactly what you'd expect'.
I knew Sarah wasn't cheating on me, but it made me realize what she was talking about. If my intuition was correct, at some point during our time in Vancouver, she was going to propose to me. Now that I had that cleared and out of my mind, I was able to spend the rest of the flight in peace, not having to worry about what Sarah was trying to tell me.


Two days later, we had landed in Vancouver, just as it had been scheduled.
We were getting ready to get in a taxi to head to our hotel, and Sarah stopped me.
"Hey, is everything okay?" she asked me.
I looked at her and nodded. "Of course I'm okay. Why do you ask?"
"To be honest," she said with a sigh, "Ever since I talked to you on the first leg of our flight, you've been very quiet. Did what I say upset you?"
I shook my head as we climbed into the taxi. "Of course not. I guess I've just been spending a lot of time thinking about what you said then," I told her, partially telling the truth.
"Okay," she said with a sigh.

Once we were in our hotel room, Sarah sat on the bed. "You know, Yurio, I think that I'm going to win for sure this year. I may be rivals with Lilith, but she doesn't have something that I do."
"And what might that be?" I asked, becoming curious.
Sarah snickered. "An amazing boyfriend."
I smiled at her comment. "Yeah, I guess she doesn't have an amazing boyfriend. I mean, even if she did, I doubt that she'd compare to me."
Sarah sighed. "My point exactly. Anyways, I don't know about you, but I'm fairly tired. I'm going to hit the hay for the night."
I nodded and went to turn off the lights before I got in the bed next to her. "Good night."
" little kitty," she mumbled as she wrapped her arms around me.
I smiled. "I love you too, my little princess."
Within ten minutes, we were both asleep.

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