Chapter 17

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(So this is a bit of a special chapter. The main thing that makes it that way is that it's in Sarah's POV. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!)

(Sarah's POV)

I sighed as I plopped down on the bed in our hotel room. "Hey, Yurio. Can you toss me a granola bar? I need something to eat, and it's too early for dinner."
Yurio nodded and opened the bag we kept snacks in. "Of course. Do you care what flavor?"
I shook my head. "Nope. Surprise me."
Yurio nodded and then threw me a chocolate chip one, and I quickly wolfed it down.
"So, do we have any other plans for today?" he asked as he sat next to me on the bed.
I sighed. "Well, I have something I need to do, but other than that, not really."
Yurio gave me a suspicious look, one that I was hoping he wouldn't give me. "...what do you need to do?"
I sighed. "'s nothing too important, but I'm going to have to do it alone. Okay?"
Yurio sighed and leaned back on the bed. "Sarah, you're hiding something from me. Please tell me what it is. I mean, if I've done anything to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable in any way, please tell me. You know how much I love you. I'd hate to see you in any kind of pain."
I sighed and shook my head. "Yurio, I swear up and down that you haven't done anything to hurt me. This is just something I need to do on my own."
Yurio then grumbled something under his breath in Russian that I didn't quite understand. "Sarah, look. I want what's best for you, and if it means is that you need to do...whatever it is that you need to do, then go and do it. I'm not going to stop you," he said.
I smiled and gave him a quick kiss before getting off the bed. "All right. In that case, I'm going to go and do my thing. I should be back in half an hour or so."
Yurio nodded and grabbed the T.V. remote that was sitting on the nightstand and began to flip through whatever channels were available, and I left the room without another word, only taking my phone and my wallet with me. I had an inside pocket in my jacket, which was really all I needed.

Almost as soon as I stepped off the elevator, someone bumped into me, and I ended up falling to the ground.
"Nnngh..." I groaned as I started to pull myself up.
"Shit," I heard Leo say. "God, I'm so sorry," he continued on as he helped me up.
I slightly glared at him, knowing better. "This wasn't exactly accidental, was it?" I asked, crossing my arms.
Leo put his hands in the air and slightly chuckled. "All right, all right. You caught me."
I let out an annoyed sigh. "What in the world could you possibly want with me?"
Leo put a bit of space between the two of us, obviously on edge because of my comment. "Hey, calm the hell down. There's no need for you to be snippy."
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Now can you please leave me alone? I have something I need to do."
Leo shook his head. "Nope. As long as you're here, I'm just gonna follow you around."
I glared at him. "You think this is a good idea because why?"
Leo sighed. "Sarah, look. I'm just really bored, and I have nothing to do."
"Then why don't you go and hang with your sister?" I spat at him, not in the mood for him to follow me around.
Leo then suddenly grabbed my arm and made me look him in the eye. "I would be with her, but she isn't feeling too well. Okay?"
I sighed and closed my eyes. "Leo...I'm sorry I snapped at you. I...I'm just really stressed right now."
Leo sighed. "You are? What's wrong?"
I then opened my eyes. "I...Leo, during the Grand Prix Final, I'm going to....I'm going to propose to Yurio."
Leo smiled. "That's great, Sarah. But...why are you so nervous?"
I bit my lip. "You see, he almost discovered the ring that I got him, so I had to mail it to the hotel."
"I see," Leo said with a nod. "So I assume that you've come down to the main area to pick it up?"
I nodded. "Exactly."
Leo sighed. "Then what are you waiting for?"
I shook my head. "I don't know..."
Leo slightly smirked and started to drag me towards the help desk. "Then let's go."
"All right, all right, I'm coming," I mumbled.

By the time we got there, Leo was literally dragging me, as he was going way too fast for me to keep up.
"Did you seriously need to run here?" I asked, practically out of breath.
Leo shrugged. "Isn't my fault that you couldn't keep up. Now, pick up your package. You don't want Yurio to get worried about you and find out what you're doing, right?"
"...point taken," I sighed.
With that, I went and picked up the package.
"So is everything good?" Leo asked when I walked back to him.
I nodded. "Yeah. Everything is good. I don't know about you, but I'm going to head back to my room so I can figure out dinner plans with Yurio."
Leo sighed. "Wanna see if Lilith wants to join if she's feeling better?"
I slightly hesitated, but I did nod. "Yeah. And I assume you'd be coming as well?"
He nodded. "Of course I'll be coming."
I nodded as we both stepped in the elevator. "Ninth floor, right?"
I then pressed the button, and the doors soon closed, and we were on our way to our floor.
Almost as soon as they closed, Leo surprised me, and pinned me against one of the walls, and gave me a quick kiss.
As soon as he did so, I kicked him, and he stumbled backward. "Don't ever do that again," I growled.
" it," he groaned.
Without another word, I walked out of the elevator, and went back to my hotel room, and hid the ring in a safe place where Yurio wouldn't find it. In my toiletries bag.

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