Chapter 12

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(Disclaimer:I do not own Criminal minds or the characters from criminal minds)

So this is the final chapter, I've really liked writing it, I promise I won't leave this story on too much of a cliffhanger.

There will be a sequel!!!!! I'll be sure to upload it in a few days.

Oh and I don't know if you noticed, but I had Blake and Prentiss in this story, yet they have never actually been on the team together. I did that on purpose, because this 'team' is my dream team!

Please RR, much appreciated!

Above ground

An agent who Hotch recognised from another team in the BAU, perched beside him.

"'d you find us?" Hotch looked at him in amazement.

"As soon as we realised you were missing- that bomb kind of helped- we looked for anything that could guide us to you. We got our tech analysist to track your phones, they led us straight here. Your unsub didn't exactly think that through." The agent said, nodding solemnly.

"What about Emily?" JJ gaped having completely forgotten about one of her best friends.

"I'm sorry, who?" The middle aged agent asked, his furry brow knitted in confusion.

"Our Agent, Emily Prentiss, she escaped.." Garcia trailed off, her hand closing over her mouth as if to stop herself being sick. She couldn't be dead as well, a silent voice whispered in her head.

Alex's voice rose up through their conversation.

"Reid! Reid! Spencer." She cried.

Hotch covered his eyes, he couldn't stand it.

"REID!" Hotch could literally feel his heart break listening to her desperate crys.

"Alex... I'm sorry.. he's gone.." he began

"No, Hotch! He's alive!"

Reid (15 minutes earlier)

Reid felt the bullet slice along the side of his head. His movement had prevented the shot burying into his brain, but even so, he was knocked off his feet. The ground jumped up, attacking his body with tiny stones. Pain buzzed all over his limp body. He could feel his head thumping, as his blood hydrated the dead ground beneath him.

He kept his eyes closed and held his breath. He needed Callen to believe he was dead. He'd heard the sirens before he was shot, his only chance of survival was to stay still, act dead. He felt relief wash over him, even with the intense pain scorching through his limps; his team would be okay, they could make it out of here.

He began to run statistics for his own survival through his head, what he came up with was worrying.

He could hear Hotch's yells over the oncoming sirens. The incessant buzzing returned to his ear. His head felt like it may explode, as did his lungs, they ached for oxygen. When he was sure no one was looking he allowed himself a small breath of oxygen, just small enough that his chest still appeared to be unmoving.

Red spots invaded his closed eyes and he could feel something pulling him from consciousness.

The sirens were practically on him now, it was as if they had driven over him and parked there.

"Over there" he heard a rather shaken Hotch yell.

Reid kept still, which was easy considering he couldn't move anyway.

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