Chapter 11

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(Disclaimer:I do not own Criminal minds or the characters from criminal minds)

Please RR, much appreciated!


Reid observed the team from the doorway, leaning laboriously against it. He cracked a smile.

"How-" Alex began, but was stopped when Reid held up a bloody hand.

"a...a. m... magician never tells his s..sssecrets" he slurred slyly. His voice sounded rusty and scratched, and very weak, yet there he stood.

"You cease to amaze me, Junior-g-man!" Garcia clapped, biting her lip in merriment. He nodded his head as a bow, grinning down at her. He then looked down at the stairs and grimaced.

"I think I'll go back now." Reid joked, the others laughed despite their growing anxiety.

Reid let go of the door handle and groped for the railing. His left hand wasn't of much use, slapping hopelessly against the wooded banister. He grasped on to it with his right hand, and steadied himself, holding back the nausea, that threatened to stain his best shoes.

"Careful man. I don't want you getting this far, just to fall down the stairs." Morgan warned, surveying Reid worriedly.

Reid took a first step, but his feet gave way, and he had to cling onto the railing with his hand, forcing it to support him almost completely.

"Slowly, Reid!" Hotch advised.

Reid managed to pull himself up slightly, he kept himself doubled over, holding back the wails of pain, tempting to escape him.

He leant most of his weight against the railing and allowed it to guide him down. When he got to the bottom, he slid down the wall, his chest heaving to regain his breath.

"You're doing good, kid. See if there are any keys around." Rossi pursued

"Give him a minute." Alex muttered, not aggressively, but with annoyance.

"Rossi!" Reid's eyes snapped open and he gaped at the older Agent.

"You're alright! I...I thought..." he swallowed thickly, shaking off the thought.

"I'm still alive and kicking, don't worry about me!" Rossi smirked.

Reid slowly and painfully pulled himself up, leaning heavily against a tool bench beside him.

He ripped open a draw, and sifted through the contents.

A thunderous growl boomed from outside the house. It was the sound of an engine.

The whole team collectively held their breath.

Reid's search became more frantic. He threw pens and receipts to the floor. He limped to the next draw jolting it open.

"C'mon kid, you can find it." Morgan encouraged.

Reid hunched over suddenly, howling in agony.

"Spence? Spence, are you okay?" JJ squeaked.

"I...I'm fine.." he lied, huffing out shallow breaths.

The familiar sounds of floorboards creaking overhead crawled into their ears. Reid continued to scramble about the draws.

"I...I got something." He whispered excitedly.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!?" Erupted Callen's voice from the garage.

"Quick, Reid, throw it over!" Morgan called.

Reid spun around, his eyes rolling with the movement. Before he collapsed to the floor he launched the key into the air. Morgan threw his hand outside the bars and swiftly caught the silver key.

Caged - Criminal Minds FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora