Chapter 5

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(Disclaimer:I do not own Criminal minds or the characters from criminal minds)

Please R R, much appreciated!


It was 3pm by his watch, he leveled the M4, giving James a thumbs up to start recording. He re-aimed the gun, squinting his eyes at his target, it took him a minute to get an accurate shot. He squeezed the trigger, feeling a single bullet escape the barrel.

He turned the gun on his next victim, steadying his hand and firing. He missed the first time. The victim in question, a woman in her 30's, looked around suddenly and began to back away from her original position on a peak bench. Callen cursed himself, and pulled the trigger, missing his destined target of the stomach, the bullet burying itself into the woman's right shoulder.

"Shit" he muttered.

He tossed the gun onto the backseat, slid into the drivers side, waiting for his camera man to climb into the passengers seat beside him and then he sped away from the scene as the screams began to rise.


"What's the time?" He asked Rossi, who's head was rested against the bars, his eyelids drooping.

"Uh.. 3.30. I'm pretty sure Callen left an hour or two ago, I heard their pickup start up. You were all sleeping."

"You should've woken us." Hotch grumbled.

"There's no point in exhausting ourselves." He paused glancing at Reid's sleeping form. "Him especially, the kid's gonna need some serious vacation time after this." He chortled at his joke.

"Don't worry, we will all get some time off, work will just have to wait."

"You say that now, Hotch, but I know better than anyone that vacation is secondary to you." Hotch grinned at the Italian.

A faint engine sounded above them.

"He's back." Morgan groaned, opening his eyes and flexing his arms out in front of him, exposing his muscles.

Garcia, who had been snuggled up next to Morgan, watched through half open eyelids, a small smile playing in her face.

"Stop showing off those muscles, chocolate god, you know what that does to a goddess like myself."

Rossi snorted. And Morgan stood up and flexed his muscles right in front of Garcia, lifting his shirt slightly to her, her eyes widening in excitement.

"That's all you get, baby girl" he jested, sliding back down next to her.

"Aw, you utter tease!" She yelled, disappointment filling her once excited eyes.

"Now, don't make me spank you." Morgan laughed.

"He's all talk Garcia." Came a small voice from the other side of the bars.

Morgan chuckled loudly remembering being on the plane and smacking Reid for saying that.

"Watch it pretty boy, you may be injured, but I will get you. Paybacks a bitch, remember."

"Yea, but I'm still waiting for that 'payback'." Reid retorted smiling with his eyes closed.

Hotch suddenly realised Reid had been asleep from the grogginess that he clearly displayed. "Reid, you weren't meant to go to sleep." He gruffled seriously.

"S'alright, I didn't hit my head too hard." That didn't help the feeling of unease in the pit of Hotch's stomach. But he nodded all the same.

A deep rumble filled the room. An embarrassed looking JJ grasped her arms around her stomach, smiling nervously around. "Missing lunch doesn't bode well with my stomach."

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