Chapter 9

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(Disclaimer:I do not own Criminal minds or the characters from criminal minds)

Please RR, much appreciated!


When Rossi, Callen and Darrell disappeared above ground, the team turned to Alex. She was shaking violently, hugging her bare arms.

Emily crouched down in front of her, holding her arms steady and looking into her eyes.

"Blake? Blake, talk to me. Alex? Snap out of it" Emily purred gently.

"W..we have get out of here?" She whispered.

Emily looked to the others for support, but none of them spoke.

"We will. I promise" Emily said, genuine determination in her brown eyes.

"But you need to tell us what happened."

Alex took a deep breath, and began telling them about the game.

She'd started to explain the riddles when a scream ripped through the air. It was quieter from the basement, but they recognised it as belonging to their resident genius. Garcia gasped and collapsed into sobs. JJ and Alex allowed their tears to fall, the others listened intently, but they were still just as terrified for Reid. The scream fanned out after a few seconds but was quickly followed with angry yells from Rossi. Another scream followed. It was Reid's again.

Alex crouched holding her hands tight over her ears. "No, no. NO! Make it stop. Make them stop! Please!" She pleaded with Emily.

"Alex, tell us what he did."

With shaking hands, Emily pulled Blake's palms from her ears.

After a minute of silence in the basement and a muffled conversation upstairs, Blake continued her story.

When she was done she sat looking at the floor.

"So they're related." Hotch confirmed.

"It must be through the mother." Garcia piped up, her voice thick with emotion.

"When I did Dowd's background check, I'm sure his father was a Dowd, his mother and his father hadn't been married, I don't believe her second name was ever Dowd. But I'm not completely confident in that, it has been several years."

"Callen and Dowd must have been close. He wouldn't put himself this far out if they weren't." JJ added.

"That's not important right now. I have an idea, but none of you are gonna like it." Morgan admitted.

Hotch cleared his throat "What do you have in mind?"


Having been in the dark basement for days, the equally dingy garage was no major change for him.

When his eyes met Reid, his eyebrows arched in concern, but he made no attempt which would aggravate his captors.

Reid's face was even bloodier. The skin over his cheek split open, and a bruise stretched blue fingers up to his eye. His nose was at an awkward angle a deep cut lay on the bridge. It was a clean break, no blood ran out from it, but the skin around it was red and inflamed.

"Alright Kid?" Rossi called over.

"Hmmf" was the response Rossi received, lifting his head slowly to meet Rossi's caring eyes.

"I didn't say you could talk." Callen shot.

"Just making sure he's okay is all" Rossi said standing up straighter.

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