Chapter 2: So You're Gonna be a Princess

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As I picked out the clothes I would be taking on my little adventure through dimensions I planned out what I would be saying to my mother. Mostly things like, "Why did you give me to my mortal parents?" and, "Couldn't I at least have been told I was a Succubus princess?" or maybe even just, "What are my roles as a Succubus?"

"Cello, you almost ready?" arose Dylan's voice through my bedroom door.

"Almost, how long will it take to get to the Succubus realm?" I asked grabbing more clothes from my drawers and sorting through them.

"Actually time doesn't exist in our realm, therefore, pack as many clothes as you wish," this reassured me somewhat so I continued sorting through my clothes. I only picked out the ones that seemed to best fit a princess, which for my wardrobe, wasn't much considering I only ever wore t-shirts and jeans.

I decided to wear my uniform for the trip there and would change into the only sundress I owned when we found someplace to stay. It was a light shade of blue and rather plain cut of cotton fabric. I couldn't stop thinking about all of the Disney princess movies I had watched as a kid. All their jewelry and dresses, and the pretty little shoes, though I thought this type of dressing was rather extravagant, especially for one of my figure. But every time I looked in my mirror I imagined myself wearing a diamond or even gold tiara.

I grabbed the last of my toiletries and shoved them into my backpack. When I put all that I had so far in my bag, I went to the kitchen and grabbed some bags of chips and some bottles of water. Then I remembered Jack, my stepdad. What would he think when I wasn't home? Though he rarely ever noticed when I was here anyway. He wasn't very fond of Dylan; would he have thought I had been abducted? I grabbed a dry erase pen and wrote a quick message on the whiteboard we hung on the fridge for notes and small reminders.

Jack, going away for a while, I'll write to you when

I'm sure of where I'm staying, not that you really care.

But, if you notice me gone and you feel worried, you'll know.


When I was finished with the note I capped the marker and went back into the living room to meet up with Dylan and Jacque.

"We ready?" I asked and hung my bag over my shoulder. This made me feel like a hobo about to find a new place to sleep for some reason. Dylan stood from his perch on the arm of the couch while Jacque stayed where he was, looking overly bored.

"Ready when you are Cello," Dylan replied that cheery little way of his.

"Alright then, let's get going shall we?" With that I started heading for the front door. When they didn't follow me I felt confused and a little embarrassed, "Well, let's go then."

"Oh, we aren't using the front door Cell; we'll be using a portal."

"Well you could have said that before I started tramping off like a lost idiot. How do we get to this portal then?" I grumbled, embarrassment still rolling off me in hot waves.

"Simple, we summon it using this," it was Jacque who replied, holding up an expensive looking cell phone.

"A phone?" I asked, not really believing what I was hearing.

"Not just a phone, it's a portal phone of course. Look, I'll show you. You press this little icon here and tell the phone where it is you wish to jump to," he pointed to a swirling app that kept changing colors. I had to look away after a few minutes because I was starting to feel lightheaded.

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