Chapter 6: Bite Me

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Bite Me


"Stop it! Get off of me Cello, I didn't mean it," Sean said, trying to get a grip on my fists that kept pounding his chest.

"Liar! I hate you! Why would you say something like that? You're such a selfish bastard!" I screamed. I felt such rage come over me I didn't know how to regain my self-control. "I hate you, you stole my first kiss god dammit!"

"Cello, get off of him," came Dylan's cold voice, void of any emotion.

"No! I'm not done with him!" I said, raising a fist to strike the annoyed looking neko.

Before I could even start to propel my arm forward, Dylan gently pulled me away. Struggle as I might I couldn't get out of his strong grip. I finally submitted and he released me, letting me slide against the wall to the floor.

"Thank y-"

Sean was caught off by Dylan's fist connecting with his jaw in an audible thwack. I stared in awe. Dylan began to continuously beat on Sean, showing no mercy at all as his fists kept kissing the pale skin of the cat-shifter's face. Eventually I thought the poor creature had had enough. I finally stood and smoothed out the non-existent wrinkles on my clothes.

"Alright Dylan, that's enough, I don't think he can take much more." He hesitated for a moment but the obediently stood up from where the two had fallen. I walked over to check on Sean, making sure his jaw wasn't dislocated.

I was met with a disturbing episode.

Sean's face started shifting on its own, setting his nose and skin back into place. The breakfast I'd eaten this morning was deciding to make a come-back. To keep from hurling, I quickly turned away, covering my mouth by instinct. Once I was certain my stomach had ceased churning, I dared to take another peek. All that remained from his pounding were a few faint pink lines and an even more annoyed expression. I sighed in relief.

"You are possibly the dumbest organism on the planet, Sean!" Dylan yelled. He was still radiating fury, if he were in a cartoon he'd probably have steam blowing out of his ears. I stifled a laugh at my ridiculous thought. 

"I wouldn't necessarily say dumb, maybe handsome, arrogant, charmer..." Sean's annoying smirk returned as he trailed off, probably of more compliments to give himself.

"You do realize little stunts like that will get you beheaded, right?" Real concern seemed to pass over Dyl's face, but it only settled there temporarily before it moved on to the next person seeking this emotion.

"So what? It's not like my pelt's worth much."

This time not even Dylan's steel-grip was quick enough to stop me. I rushed up to Sean and back-handed him.

"What the fu-"

"Don't you dare think of yourself that way!" I yelled, unable to stop the hurt and anger from showing in my voice. I cursed the tears that started building in my eyes. I tried to wipe them all away but my palms were becoming slick with tears and they just kept falling faster. A pair of hands replaced mine, wiping away the tears with a great deal of finesse that I didn't recognize.

"Why are you crying? I'm the one who screwed up," said a very somber kitty.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry," I sniffled. I hated crying but ever since a few years ago, it happened more and more. I sniffled a few more times before I was completely calm once again. I let out a nervous laugh before saying, "Hehe, sorry 'bout that. I just, I hate when people think so lowly of themselves. Look, I was really immature before, please forgive me."

He looked at me with astonishment. "But your highness, it should be I begging you for forgiveness. I did steal you first kiss after all." He mumbled the last part and I swear I saw him blush.

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