Chapter Sixteen

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"I'm new here too," he mumbled, stuffing a whole piece of toast smothered with strawberry jam into his mouth. Artemis quietly spooned her cereal into her mouth, amazed by this super-human feat.

"So we're newbies together," she joked elbowing him in the ribs gently. He swallowed before he could choke on his mirth.

"Pretty much," he laughed - a deep, merry laugh - and his eyes glittered mischievously. He poked her back but Artemis wasn't as lucky. Milk and mush sprayed across the table, thank the gods it hadn't gone down her! They stared at each other. Then Artemis snorted with supressed giggles, she was mortified, but to be honest it was just too funny. He chuckled quietly as if he was trying to spare her feelings, however when he attempted to mop it up it became too much. Snorting together like pigs they wiped it up. Once the cloths were dripping they placed the to one side and Artemis stared in dismay at the soggy, congealing mess in the bowl she'd previously called breakfast - or at least tasteless mush.

"Come on, eat up. You'll need your strength." Artemis looked at him pointedly and he got the point. He spared one of his gazillion pieces of toast and reluctantly handed it to her. Examining it Artemis scraped some of the jam off onto another one of his pieces. He shrugged and crammed it into his mouth. Jam dribbled down his chin, he looked like a demented vampire. He caught it before it dropped onto his jean shorts. Artemis rolled her eyes and nibbled the toast. The sea sparkled and the surf crashed onto the beach: it was beautiful.

Before she knew it she'd finished. Breakfast hadn't been completely disastrous, she reminisced brushing the crumbs off of her hands.

"So, when does training start?"

"You don't know?" He asked surprised.

"Been here a day Jonnyboy. Yesterday was pretty eventful."

He scowled, "don't call me Jonnyboy. My mom calls me that."


"S'okay," he raked his hand through his hair ruefully, his cheeks blushing red,"it's just kinda embarassing."

"Oh. Okay, so Jonny-... where to first?"

He flashed her a grin,"Jon," he said looking at her questioningly.


"This way, Arty."


First installment of today! Yes, I'm back!! I've had loads of exams and controlled assessments recently, but today, seeing as I am ill :( I thought I'd do something productive and upload some more chapters.

:) x

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