Chapter One

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"Wow. This is pretty neat."

"This is your home. I'll leave you to get settled in. Listen out for the conch shell."

"Will do." Artemis set down her bags at the foot of one of the beds and went to look out the open window. The drapes billowed around her as if they were sails. It overlooked the sea: perfect. Turning, she knocked a glass of water onto the cabin floor, of all the things she'd left behind, she'd kept her clumsiness. Typical.

"Knock, knock. Oh, do you need help with that?"

"Yeah, thanks." A boy with startling green eyes, not unlike her own, and scruffy, black hair helped scoop up the pieces of the unintenionally sacrificial jug and threw them into the wastepaper bin. Artemis stared at it forlornly: the first of many.

"Hey, where'd you come from? Your accent's..."

"British? Yeah. Is it really that obvious?" She replied drily, but with a shaky laugh.

"A bit," he admitted sheepishly. He stuck out his hand, "my name's Percy. Yours?"

"Artemis." And took his hand. He nodded, almost sympathetically, and gestured towards her rucksack.

"You need any help with that?"

"Nah. I'm good. Figured I'd probably zap it with some super power I'm bound to inherit and it'll unpack itself."

He laughed at that, "I wish. Untidiness must run in the fanily." He motioned a hand toward his - well, he used to have all of the cabin - half. Clothes were strewn across the floor along with a few arrows, a dagger or two, leaves, twigs, shells... the only things that were neat were the books. Which were covered in dust.

"Not a big reader?" Artemis commented, "runs in the family."

"Nope. You should see Annabeth. Always got her nose stuck in a book." He looked away for a bit, lost in thought.

"Percy, I'm not going to unpack. It takes too much effort. Is there anywhere I can go to see, well, that?" Artemis pointed outside of the window. Percy followed her finger and grinned.

"Yeah, the beach sure. But we're not far from the lake, I'll show you that instead. Come on."


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