Two friends are seperated

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It had been three days since Enjolras had lost it and had hit him but Courfeyrac couldn't get over it. Courfeyrac had told everyone in the school and had Enjolras reported so that he would get appointments with professor McGonagall about his "anger management problems". Though there were a few people who would talk to him; Joly, Bosseut, Molly, Combeferre, Eponine, Lilly (but mainly sympathy talk) and, surprisingly, Grantaire.

Molly, Grantaire and Enjolras were sat at a table in the library doing homework. The trio were silent until Grantaire threw his hands up in surrender and leant back on his chair. "I can't take anymore of this crap, I'm going to my salvation of Fire Whiskey!" Grantaire exclaimed and stood up only to be pulled back down by Molly and Enjolras. Madam Pince shuffled over and glared at her.

"No talking in the library!" she snapped. Enjolras clamped a hand over Grantaire's mouth before he could say any sassy comments.

"Of course madam Pince, we'll keep it down from now on," Enjolras said. Madam Pince narrowed her eyes at Grantaire but nodded and walked off. "Really? You couldn't keep your mouth shut for a couple of seconds?" Enjolras muttered to Grantaire and took his hand away.

"Well I'm so sorry your highness," Grantaire smirked. Enjolras glared at him and hit him round the head with his text book. "See this is why nobody talks to you anymore." Enjolras smiled slightly and nodded.

"I know, I'm a terrible friend," Enjolras moaned. Grantaire awkwardly patted Enjolras on the back.

"You're not terrible," Grantaire told him firmly.

"I have to be if I'm left to hang out with you two," Enjolras moaned accidentally. When he realised what he had said he looked up with a panicked expression to see Molly glare at him and Grantaire sighing and biting his lip. "I'm so-" Enjolras began.

"No that's why you don't have any friends, you don't care about the ones that are left," Molly snapped. She gathered up her things and stormed out. Enjolras turned to Grantaire and took a deep breath.

"I suppose you're going to leave too," Enjolras muttered to him.

"Nah, I need to finish my homework," Grantaire said and returned to his essay.

"Where do you live?" Enjolras asked him as he returned to his own.

"A bit personal, Ap-, Enjolras," Grantaire joked.

"What did you just call me?" Enjolras asked.

"Enjolras, what did you think I called you?" Grantaire said coolly. "We live just outside Bristol."

"That's nice," Enjolras commented and after a while, "Where's Bristol?" Grantaire sniggered at him.

"In the mystical land of the South West where pirates inhabit the estranged docks," Grantaire smirked.

"Oh," Enjolras sighed. The two went into an awkward silence until Enjolras broke it. "So, what's the essay about?"

"It's on the History of Goblins and how Gringottes came to be," Grantaire recited. "What about you?"

"The properties of moonstones," Enjolras murmured. "I'm hopeless at it."

"Can't help you there, I'm promised to fail potions. Well, all subjects actually," Grantaire laughed.

"You can't honestly think that you're going to fail," Enjolras smirked.

"I'm a failure, my parents hate me, my crush thinks I'm useless," Grantaire moaned.

"You're crush?" Enjolras asked. "So who is it?"

"I didn't know you were one for gossip, Enjolras," Grantaire stated. "You'll never get it out of me."

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