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"Alicia! Tell Pinky to hurry up, the guest's will be here soon!" Molly heard Erec yell from up in the attick.

"Are they always yelling?" ghost Grantaire asked.

"Pretty much always," Molly murmured and read the replies to her letters.


Don't worry about it, families are like this -mine argue all the time! James and Lilly have fortunately gone home so no having to hear him pester her here. I'm the only one out of the group still here, actually. It's been fun though, annoying Snivellus when Lilly isn't here. Though it's not the same without James.


"What did that letter say?" Grantaire asked.

"Uh... families are normally abusive and that I shouldn't worry, James and Lilly have gone home and Sirius is on his own but he's enjoying annoying Sev."

"And that's from Sirius?" Molly nodded.

"I've got a couple from some other friends as well."


I'm sad to hear you're feeling like that but hey, it's Christmas - they're probably stressed. Everything's down at home and Merry Christmas!


"Remus is fine."

"That's good."


I'm getting Bahorel to get you out now! How can they treat you like that? Their own son and daughter! I'm so gonna kill them when I see them!


PS. Merry Christmas!

"Ponine's getting Bahorel to get me back to Hogwarts."

"That's nice of her."

"Oh and merry Christmas R."

"Merry Christmas," the ghost replied.

"I'd better go downstairs, see you R." Molly climbed down the ladder and closed the hatch back up.

"You idiot elf!" Erec shouted and threw something at Pinky. Erec then spotted Molly at the doorway. "Elves have to be punished otherwise they don't learn how to work properly. You have some letters over there." He pointed at a pile on the coffee table.

"Thank you," Molly murmured and grabbed the letters. They were from Lilly, Severus, Combeferre, Courfeyrac, Jehan, Bossuet and strangely enough, Enjolras all sending Christmas greetings.

"I'm not sure about the friends you have," Erec said, he had been watching Molly read them.


"Blood traitors and mudbloods, the only ones I'm sure if is Sirius and Eponine, I don't want you mixing with the wrong crowd," he warned.

"Yes I know father, I will try and stay away from them," Molly sighed.

"Good." There was a knock at the door. "Pinky!"

"Yes master," the young elf said and answered the door. "Mr. Grantaire will meet you just through there Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy," Pinky told the Malfoys, they pushed past him and went to the living room.

"Ah, Mortimer and Eleanor!" Erec exclaimed shaking both of the adults hands in turn. "Lucius you know Molly."

"Lucius," Molly muttered.

"Molly," Lucius said curtly back.

"Please sit down, we're just waiting for the Black family," Erec told them.

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