Back to Hogwarts

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Molly woke up feeling something wet trace over her face. She wrinkled her nose at the feeling and tried to close her eyes tighter. After a short while Molly gave in on extra sleep and woke up to see Grantaire staring at her.

"Wake up," Grantaire stage whispered.

"I am awake," Molly moaned and turned over.

"Then get up," Grantaire said all too cheerfully for Molly's liking. Molly yawned and stumbled out of bed to face the mirror. The word payback was written on her neck and the words I love Mont was written on her forehead. Eponine was going to kill her but not before she killed Grantaire.

Molly put some clothes on, not bothering with her hair - it looked fine the way it looked, in her opinion -grabbed her trunk that she had packed the night before and dragged herself and the trunk downstairs to meet Grantaire at the door.

"Grantaire I, my friend, am going to kill you," Molly growled. Erec came jogging to the door and handed them each a piece of toast.

"Come on, we're already late," he snapped and ran out of the door. "We're going to have to apparate to a safe place and then run. Take hold of one arm." Molly and Grantaire stood either side of him and took an arm. "Don't let go. Three, two, one!"

Molly felt like she was being pushed through a small pipe, her insides were being mushed and it felt like she was going to throw up. Finally they landed on the ground (Molly and Grantaire quite literally) and they had arrived at the back of King's Cross.

"Right, you two can get to the train easily enough. Go on," Erec dismissed them and they did as they were told.

Once on the platform Molly immediately went to find Bahorel, i.e to promptly murder him and Grantaire. Molly ran through the crowd of people with Grantaire being led by her. Molly found Bahorel chatting up a Slytherin girl in his year.

"You, I'm going to kill you!" Molly snarled at him. The girl looked up and awkwardly walked away mouthing 'thank you'.

"Why? Oh great payback Grantaire," Bahorel said sarcastically. "Trying to get Eponine to kill her for you?"

"Shoot, didn't think of that," Grantaire started panicking.

"Really, 'cause I thought me dead was on top of your list!" Molly snapped.

"Only preparing you for the holidays," Grantaire murmured and smiled gingerly.

"What happened that was so bad that you wanted me to save you?" Bahorel asked Molly.

"It was horrible, Grantaire's face is evidence," Molly mumbled.

"What happened to your face?!" Bahorel asked.

"The regular. Shall we go aboard?" Grantaire spat.

"Sure. Isn't that Enjolras?" Bahorel smirked.

"He stayed at Hogwarts," Grantaire dismissed.

"So you know where he is? Have you been stalking him?" Bahorel cooed. Grantaire ignored him and pulled his trunk onto the train and into a trunk rack.

"You two coming or not?" Grantaire called back. Bahorel sighed and he and Molly followed on. Once they had put their trunks away they went to find an empty compartment.

"Don't you have any friends you can sit with?" Grantaire moaned.

"Courfeyrac, Combeferre, Joly, Jehan and Bosseut, but I prefer annoying you," Molly smirked. A brown haired boy tapped on the glass of the compartment door to get their attention.

"Do you mind if I sit in this compartment with you, the rest are full," the boy said slowly.

"Yeah sure," Bahorel said and sat up.

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