Chapter 39 - She's On The Hunt

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  • Dedicated to R.I.P Grandma <3

Hey all,

Firstly - thank-you so much to everyone who was understanding and supportive of what I have been going through recently, you are all amazing people. 

Secondly - I had wrote the majority of this before my Grandma passed away, and it took me like 2 days just to add finishing touches to it, so I'm not sure how long it will take me to get the next chapter up.

Thirdly - this is dedicated to my Grandma, she was an amazingly strong person and helped mould me and my cousins into the people we are today and we can never thank her enough for all the things she has taught us. My Grandma is one of the few people who have encouraged me to write from an early age, and I regret never showing her any of my latest works....I had been too scared too because she has always been our biggest and harshest critic on everything....she never fed us lies to make us feel good, but always gave the truth no matter how blunt it was to help you keep on getting better at everything.

SO my mission for everyone is to hug your loved ones as tight as you can and tell them how much they mean to you - life is short, and you never know what's in store right around the corner xo

P.S - Sozza bout the long message, lol =)

Miss you Grandma, R.I.P

~ ~ Chapter Thirty-Nine ~ ~

"Well, that's just great isn't it?" I muttered softly, dropping back down to the floor and resting my face in my hands as my back was pressed against the wall.

Chris didn't answer right away, but eventually I felt him look down at me and I looked up at him, "We're dangerously outnumbered."

Rolling my eyes, "Really?" my tone was full of sarcasm, "Two wolves versus a pack, I would never have guessed."

"I was including my pack in my statement too Eva," Chris grunted quietly, both of us nervously keeping our voices down.

It took me a few seconds to click onto what he was saying, and my eyes widened in disbelief, "Don't you dare get my brothers involved Chris, I will never forgive you," I warned him in a deadly tone.

At the mention of my brothers, the dream I had not long ago - well the nightmare to be more accurate, came flooding back to me, and it sent shivers through my body at the possibility it could actually come true.

I wasn't risking that.

Chris frowned instantly, eyeing my serious face as he slowly replied, "Why?"

Raising an eyebrow, "I'm not having them be put at risk like this, I love my family and if I can avoid involving them - I will."

"Are you sure Eva?" Chris asked slowly, something flashing within his eyes as I met his gaze straight on and nodded once. He blew out a long, warm, breath of air and nodded back, "You know what this will mean for us though?"

Glancing around the dark and silent classroom, I stretched back up to peer out the window and I thought of my family again. I knew we could desperately use backup right now, but I'm also not willing to risk it. Plus, I'm positive that between the two of us we could figure a way out of this alive.

"We'll be fine CC, we just need to get out of here undetected,” I shrugged, knowing it wasn't as simple or easy as saying it out loud was. "But, are you okay with this?"

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