Mr Death

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Hell was not something I enjoy .

Sometime I wish I had just stay with God and in his glory . Hell suck. Being a falling angel suck .

All of us took the wrong way , and now the consequences was our way .

Having a certain things ng to do to trouble the world suck. , like killing people by sickness or accident . Making sure in there sin they die so they could go to hell was horrible m

Being ashame or regretting the horrible you did like the rebellion will bring me nowhere .

God warn us , we just didn't listen.

"A penny for your though ?" Said the spirit of Lust .

"Leave me alone please " I told her .

"Whathever , but what the hell happened to you ?" She ask me

"Nothing that has to do with your business "

She has been nothing but a burden . Because of her addiction is all over the world . People with unprepared pregnancies. Sexual transmitted infection. And lust there way .

She was annoying and I hated her.

"Well whathever. I'm bored so I'm gonna trouble someone soul" she said getting up .

She look beautiful on the outside, full red lips , thick eyeliner and heavy makeup .

She had long black hair and red horn on her head . she had a red tail and small black wing .her outfits was tight and short tummy full on display and breast almost outcast for everyone to see.

She didn't care what gender or age she will strick anyone .

"Why do you bother human so much " I asked her irritated

She halted in her step and turn to look at me with a look of confusion splattered on her face .
"What do you mean why do I bother them ? It's our job you know, we know only bad . We don't like good or do good however if you remember good and choose to do good you know that no justice will be your way , we are demon and evil spirits we have no good in us " she said

"Whathever " I mumble turning away from her and took a drag of my cigarette.

"Well see you in hell if you know what I mean " she said giggling

Evil spirit do not live in hell , we live in hearth . Our final destination is hell . When we get defeated we go to hell .

We live in earth and posses other and destroy lives . Then at the end we go to hell . We have a house that we have regular meeting .

We live in earth or in the spirit world . We can show yourself as human , but I can't .

"Just remember this , it doesn't matter the choice has been made
, we are to be punish for our sin, and our goal is to bring other to punish with us so we feel free SS guilty " she explain

"I wish I could go back in time sometime don't you ?" I ask her

I was jealous of human , they can have there sin forgiven while we can't . We knee what to do yet we didn't do it . I was so jealous of them .

"I wish you sometime , but it doesn't matter , I hate human and all existing I hate everything, I'm sure evil and I like it . I want to destroy Christian I want to kill them make them suffer . And that's how I is for us . " she said with a grin in her face .

She ten fly away and left me alone with my thoughts.

"Gosh I wish it was the same for me .... Cause I know in the mist of my evil God is still Good and nothing can change that "

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