Mr Death

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"I won't let you do it," declared Michael

"Then I guess I have to destroy you on the way as well, " I told him

He took out his big shiny sword, ready to attack me as I took out my slimmer black sword.

We also had power, but why use it if he doesn't.

"she is only a child," He reminded me, "Leave her soul alone. "He screamed as he attacked me with full power leaving a large hole in the middle and dust blasting around. He swung his massive sword again. I Dodge it, then jump all high. He flew with his long white wing then came at me from the behind, I dodge it again but fell down due to the impact of his sword.

I got up and started running toward him at full speed, then I tried to hit him with my sword. He dodges it, and he tries to hit me with his sword using his superstrength. I use fast pace steps and run far away from the after effect of his brutal attack.

Then I fly up with my black wings as he did the same and try to attack me in the air, with my black power I send him backward with my wings, he went back a little but soon later catch himself mid-air, he went full speed and kick me, he then grabs me by the neck and pushes me full force on until we hit the ground.

"If you don't I'll just have to destroy you before your time" He threatened

"We both know you don't have the power to." I taunt weakly

"OOOh, you wanna bet. "Micheal got up with his wing and brought his bow in front of him, ready to strike me.

Everyone knew when Michael brought his bow, that means you'll never survive to tell others what happened.

"Now I'll have mercy on you, let her go, or I'll beat you to hit "

"If you fail you'll get the beating of your death "Satan hissed in my heart

I can't disappoint him like that.

"You just wish you could "

I already disappointed God, I have nothing else

When he struck, full lighting came flying and hit me right on my arm, and I flew up on the wall behind me, breaking it apart. A couple of dust came in my vision, then Michael slowly walked in front of me, his bow nowhere to be seen.

"You lost, I win just like always, now leave the poor girl alone or else, "He threatened.

"okay 'I whisper

He got up then looked at me with a sad face, he looked down, his whole body shaking.

"It didn't have to be like this, "he said

"We both know it does and will always be "darkness can't mess up with light; our friendship is over no matter what.

"You're lucky you survived that hit. Most people don't."

In a flash, he disappears as a Colomb flying up the sky. I got up hissing from the pain holding my arm.

"Most people shouldn't"I whisper knowing he can still hear me "Why won't God just destroy me now"

Tears streamed down my eyes. I should have never disobeyed him.

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