Act 4: Her Worry

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     The Ruby pulled you up with force, her hold over your wrist tightening the moment you stabled yourself on the sand. Looking down at her, you could see her teeth were gritted in anger, and her eye was staring at you with intensity. You tried to shake her hand away, this only resulting in her pulling you down to her eye level.

     "What's the deal with you?" She spat, her tone bitter and frigid. "Are you part of those Crystal Gems?"

     'Crystal Gems'.

     The name fluttered around your mind for a moment, until you were able to remember the one time Pearl had brought that up. Supposedly, she, Amethyst, Garnet, Steven, and a few more Gems were part of that group.

     "I'm not part of them." You responded, attempting to make her loosen her grip on you by tugging your body away from where she stood. "I'm just a visitor."

     "What kind of 'visitor' are you then?" She pressed, her eye now focusing on the necklace resting over your chest. "And why do you have your gem tied on a string?"

     You looked down at your chest, realizing she was confusing the little gemstone with an actual living Gem. With your hand protecting the item, you prepared to explain to her what the necklace was.

     "I'm not a Gem." You began to explain, your choice of words making her eye widen. "And this gemstone isn't a living being either."

     "Don't lie to me!" She yelled, her hand reaching out for your collar in desperation. "You're clearly one of them! Why else would you be walking around their hideout and carry a gemstone so similar to Rose Quartz's?"

     Her pull over your shirt's collar made breathing a more difficult task to perform, and you found yourself reaching out for her hand to break free from it.


     With a forceful push, you were able to free yourself from her. Taking this as an opportunity to alert Steven's family of the ongoing matter, you ran off towards their home, your main objective being to race up the flight stairs as quickly as you were able to.

     "You're gonna pay for this!"

     You could hear her footsteps becoming louder and faster the more you hurried on forward. As your foot was only inches away from stepping on the first set of stairs, you felt her hand snake around your arm once more. In the spur of the moment, you swung your hand towards her direction, expecting an impact or a deflection from your move. Instead, you felt her grip loosen, whilst your hand found no target except air.

     "Wh. . . What're doing?" You could see the Ruby backing away from you in suspicion, her eye narrowing at where your necklace stood.

     Taking a glance at the flower tied around your neck, you could see the gem in its center glow faintly with a pink hue. With a cautious, somewhat fearful pace, you reached out for it, only to feel a warmth similar to the time you were on the boat ride back to your home. Feeling panic swell up inside your chest, you reached out for the back of your neck, your fingers fumbling with the knot in fraught hopes to untangle the flower away from your torso.

     "How is that even possible?" The Ruby huffed, her annoyance loud and clear in her tone. "How are you still here if your gem isn't stuck to you?! You Crystal Gems are all a bunch of freaks!"

     Just as you were about to explain her of your race and the reason why this gem wasn't of her living kind, the door to Steven's home creaked softly. You turned your head around to face the noise, spotting Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven outside their home. The group watched the scene before them, Pearl and Steven's gaze showing concern over you. Garnet's expression was unreadable, her shades adding to this factor, whereas Amethyst was in a defensive position, almost as if she expected the Ruby to lunge at her.

Love Like You (A Pearl x Reader) (Sequel to 'SEN')Where stories live. Discover now