Act 3: Your Adventure

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     After staying your first night at Steven's home, you ended waking up much earlier than usual. It was three thirty six in the morning, and the sky was dark. You could see many bright stars were still present above it, allowing you to admire them as you reached the border of the beach. Your surroundings were calm, so you took this moment to observe what changed during your absence at this place.

     The first place you chose to visit was the outside of the hotel you once booked a stay in. The few, but well-maintained buildings neighbouring it had their lights off, with only the occasional lamppost providing a faint, though necessary amount of lighting for the rare passerby and tourist walking around the streets.

     Despite the serenity surrounding the place, the hotel was bustling with a diversity of people lingering outside, their endless chatter mixing with the melody of waves crashing against the ocean's borders. It seemed the small edifice was the only one that had all of its people awake.

     Midway through your observation of the atmosphere, you caught sight of the familiar, tanned face belonging to 'hotel guy' — as you had labeled his phone number various months ago. He was constantly entering and exiting the hotel's premises in order to store the heavy boxes he carried in his hands. The folk standing nearby pushed open the door for him each time he returned back with more packages, this gesture permitting him to get through his job with more efficiency.

     Deciding to greet him as well as to lend a hand, you walked towards the pile of boxes laying on the ground, picking two up with caution, and bringing them into the building. 

     "(Y/N), long time no see!" The young man exclaimed, his eyes lighting up in recognition once spotting you at the doorway. "How is everything?"

     You crouched down in order to place the boxes nearby his desk. After making sure they were secure on the ground, you straightened up, and faced him with an attentive stare. "Everything's going well." You responded, your lips tugging upwards into a smile. "I just came back for a quick visit."

     "Oh! Do you plan on booking a reservation here?" He inquired, taking a moment to relax from the inventory pick up he'd been restlessly working on. An amiable expression was visible over his features, though you could catch a glimpse of tiredness under his eyes.

     "Actually. . . Steven and his family's letting me stay at their place for the week."

     Just as he was about to respond to your words, a large group of people bustled into the premises. Friendly jabber and playful banter flooded your ears, whilst your eyes witnessed a family of eight settle on the waiting lounge, the youngest of them having to be helped up to sit down on the couch. The young man quickly excused himself from the conversation, and hurried over towards what he assumed were the parents of the four children and a pair of teenagers.

     "Hello there!" He greeted, a curt smile spreading across his face. "Is there anything I may help you with?"

     "Yes. . . We'd like to book a two night stay here, if it's possible." The first woman replied, her long and curly locks getting in the way of her freckled, dark-skinned face. She brushed the few strands away from her eyes in order to face the man properly.

     "Do you have any rooms available? The other hotel we went to was completely booked even of suites." The second woman added, her lighter toned face carrying a hint of worry over it.

     "Allow me a moment to check the reservations."

     He excused himself from the two women and walked over towards the reservation counter, sitting down on a gray-coloured office chair, which stood facing the hotel's main computer set. He was about to start typing in the required details for the pending reservation, though he halted after seeing you head over to the exit.

Love Like You (A Pearl x Reader) (Sequel to 'SEN')Where stories live. Discover now