Chapter Ten: The Posion of Christmas

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I looked through the ripped-open gifts, trying to find my necklace for Draco. When I thought it was taken, I spotted it by the fireplace. I picked it up and examined it. No scratches or dents. I put it back in it's wrappers. I stared at the tree blankly. I was sure the figure took the necklace.. maybe he or she took the gift Draco was giving to me. Oh, that's horrible, I told myself, he'll be so upset when he finds out!

I looked around at the wrappers. I grabbed my wand and in less then a minute all the gifts were back in their original wrapping paper and was put back under the tree. With a small smile I stood up and made my way to my bedroom, where I lay back down under my blankets.

Who was here in the common room earlier and why had they took that necklace? How did they get in?

These were all very good questions with no realy answer that could come to me. I guess I'd never know; and I'd just have to deal with it.

I rolled over in my bed. I should get some sleep now. There's a christmas party tomorrow and then less then a week later was christmas.

"Are you sure it's nice?" Ginny asked for the millionth time, checking her purple dress in the mirror.

"I love it!" I admitted, "It looks wonderful on you!"

Ginny smiled weakly, which got more broader as the idea finally shunk in her head. Ginny was a girl who needed a little push to get started. Always second guessing herself. That could be considered a good and a bad thing.

"Plus, there's no guys you can impress now that you're with Harry!" I noted.

Ginny wacked the top of my head with her jeans in which she took off to put on her dress.

"You're with Draco but you're still wearing that short red dress!" Ginny cried.

I stood up quickly and looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a very short, bright red spagetti strap dress with golden bells sewed around the edges. I admit I don't like myself or something that I'd wear, but I was trying to get out of the goody-two-shoes and study-all-day-and-read-all-night image. In other words, I was trying to get out of my comfort zone.

"I've already explained it to you, Ginny!" I said sharply.

Ginny stuck her tongue out at me then looked at her watch. Ginny jumped.

'We're going to be late!" Ginny said.

And checking her hair once more, Ginny and I left for the christmas party for students in the years 5-7.

"I feel so weird." I whisered to Ginny after getting my twelveth wolf whistle.

Ginny laughed and shook her head.

"You're so self centered!" Ginny cried, "They could always be whistling at me!"

Ginny and I laughed as we entered the great hall during dinner time. We had to go through the great hall in order to get to where the christmas party was held. I got many looks and whistles as I walked to where the christmas party was. Comfort zone, I had to remember myself, out of the comfort zone...

Not many students thought to see their know-it-all Head Girl in a short dress. Many were speechless, which I don't mind. I'm scared of what they mgith've said if they actually spoke.

We went to the door behind the teacher's table and went inside. Once my foot hit the ground a loud sound hit my ears. It took me a minute to realize it was music. The walls must be hear-proof because I couldn't hear this horriably loud music in the great hall. If I wasn't trying to stay out of my comfort zone I would've ordered them to turn down the music but since I am, I pushed back the force and walked into the party with Ginny.

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