8| Ace Xander Blackburn Part 1

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"Ace X is my-" RING.

"...big twin brother."

"Hunter! What do you think you're doing! That's really dangerous!" Ace yelled.

I let go and fall to the ground safely. I look up at the branch that I just jumped off of. It was no more than 5 feet off the ground. As soon as I turn around to face Ace, I was brought into a hug.

"You idiot! Do you not remember what I told you! Don't act-" he starts but I finish for him.

"-stupid and naiive when you are not around. Your big brother will always take good care of you." I answer. He lets me go and puts his hands on my shoulders. His face breaks out into a smile. I give in and smile back.

"Come on. Lets go back in and way for mommy and daddy to come home and make dinner." He says. I reply with a nod. He wraps his arm around me and we walk home simply talking about how our day was.


"- and then the teacher freaked out as the rat ran under her chair."

"Wow! That's my big brother! To bad that I was sick today. Aww- I really wish that Acie prank on Ms. Prinrie!"

"Don't worry! Acie-" Ace said but soon intupruted by the front door slamming against the wall. We jump up starled by the noise.

"Mommy! Daddy!" I yell as I get up. Ace does the same and we both race to the door only to find Daddy dragging Mommy by the hair to the house. Mommy was crying and screaming in pain. Tears sprung in my eyes as I watch my father laugh to her screams. I run up to him and punch him as hard as I can.

"Leave Mommy alone! Stop it!" I scream as tears ran down my face. Ace soon joins in. He stops for a second and turns to us. He raises up his free hand and slaps me hard enough to make me fall to the ground. My mom screams hard as Ace comes to my side. My father slams Mommy to the ground and turns to me and Acie. He points at me and open his mouth to speak.

"You will be-

The Sacrfice!"

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