5| All Of Me

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Blake's POV
I was going through the plan in my mind. You are probably confused of what I am talking about. Well, when my and Jason took the picture of Hunter's license plate, we were able to find out where she lives and her information. I feel so weird doing it. Its like I'm stalking her. It makes my feel like a creep.

I look at a picture of Hunter and I. I have it because once we had a project together and she was like a clone of me.

I remember playing the violin for her and how she loved the sound. I like the way she would smile at the song I played. I remember playing the song All of Me by John Legend on it. Then I played it on the piano. I loved the way it would make her smile. I remember sing it to her too and how it brought tears to her eyes. She said that out of all of the things I have done, her favorite was the violin and how I flowed with the music. I now play the violin a lot more than I use to. One day, she stopped talking to me and ignored me. She then left without a good bye. I only told Jason that. I also liked Devil but I always liked Hunter more. Always will. Tomorrow I will go up to her door step with about 5 or 6 kids singing All of Me and me playing the violin. I can't wait.

I hear the door open to see the slut of my old school, Monica. I hated her with all my guts. I remember she once told Hunter that she made-out with me and had sex with me too! I mean what the actually hell. I didn't do it though.

I still had the picture in my hands and hide it behind me. I didn't want her ripping it to shreds. I go to my desk and open a drawer and slip it in and close it. I look at my violin and touch it.

"Uuuggghhh... you still have that old ugly thing. Who gave it to your grandma?" She says in disgust.
"Bewachen!" I yell in German.
(A/N: Used Google!) (guard!)
Jason and Mason, another guy in my gang, came in.
"Wer ließ sie in?" I ask. (Who let her in?)
"I did sir. I thought she was aloud to sorry!" Mason said. I nod and close my eyes and clenched my fist.
"I don't want her near the gang, me, and certainly not Hunter, Jarmo, and sweet little Anna-Mary! I don't want her poisoning their little minds!" I say. "We need everything for tomorrow."

Mason nods and smiles when I mention tomorrow, while Jason smirks and says "She got you whipped and good too! So do the kids!"
"WHAT?!" Monica screams. "I thought you loved me!" I scoff at that.
"Me? Love you? The queen slut her self? As if!" I say. Jason had a full on laugh and rolled on the floor holding his stomach while tears ran down his face. I laugh at him. Monica screams while Mason laughs while still having a grip on her.
"I- will- take her- now-" Mason says in the middle of laughing. I smile and nod. I hear Monica screams while she is taken out. I calm down and start pacing around the room.
"Calm down, it's tonight and you still have to find your kids you are going to use!" Jason said.
"I already did that..." I tell Jason. "I am just worried she won't like it!" I say.
"She will... Don't stress all about it!" I nod and go to my violin and play it.

Hunter's POV
I hear the door bell ring. I wonder who it is. I go to the door to find both my kids standing beside it waiting for me to open. I open it.
I couldn't believe it! I saw 10 kids standing there with a guy behind them. I look to see... Hunter. I look to his side is to see a violin. He is going to play.

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