7| School

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm. What?!?!? Who set it up? Hunter.

I storm down the stairs to find Blake cooking something. I notice he is also not wearing a shirt. Damn. He turns around when he notices someone is here. I glare at him.

"Did you or did you not set me alarm to wake me up at this time?!," I ask, really mad.

"Maybe?," he replied, really nervous. I could literally hear his heart running. 

"Well... is that a yes or no?!,"I ask. He looks at the door behind me and then the door beside him. It is really cold outside, almost to make you turn into a popsicle. 

He takes his chances and runs to the edge of the kicthen door beside the refrigerator. I grab a bucket of ice quickly and run after him. I find him behind a bench in our backyard. As I sneak up on him, I notice a tattoo of angel wings on his back. How could i have not notices this. It is a tattoo that freaking covers pretty much his whole back! Stupid. stupid,stupid! I pour the bucket on him and run to the kicthen and put the bucket up.

"Anyway... why did you turn that thing on?," I ask, still annoyed.

"You have school. We all do. I enrolled you last night.," he answered. I clench my fists in pure anger. You little-. 

"Hey guys! What is UP!,"Jason says as he comes into the kitchen. "What is happening here? I feel left out!"

"I am just telling Hunter that she is attending school with us! Exciting right?," Blake says, answering Jason. 

"Yes! I have always wanted to have a lady friend to hang out with!," Jason replies. 

"First of all, I never said I was your friend. Second, never said I was a lady.," I reply. 

"Ahh... don't be such a meanie.," he says and comes up and pinches my cheeks. I slap his filthy hand away. "You are a feisty. LIKE A KITTY CAT! Did I mention I liked kittys. Each and every one of them. They are just so cute!"

He look up at the ceiling, probably thinking about cats

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He look up at the ceiling, probably thinking about cats. He sighs and rests his chin on the palm of his resting hand. He is such a weirdo but I wouldn't have them any other way. A thought final came to mind.

"What about Jarmo and Anna?," I ask. I home-school them so what are we going to do about them?

"I got a private teacher for a while but they will be going to school. A public school.," Blake replied. I nod my head. 

"Anyway, go get ready!," he says, pushing me in the direction of my room. I sigh and leave him and Jason to there business. I enter my room and go straight to my closet. I pick up out a killer outfit. 

I then take a nice warm shower

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I then take a nice warm shower. I doesn't take me long to finish and do my makeup and change. An hour later I am ready to go.

I head down stairs and find the kids, Jason and Blake waiting for me. 

"Geez woman! You took like what 2 centuries?," Jason says. Blake hits the top of his head. 

"Talk to her like that and people will forgot you were even alive in 2 days!," Blake said, angry. I go down and grab my leather bag. I grab my keys and walk to the car. I hear there footsteps behind me. 

We all get in to our own car. I check that both the kids go with Blake since Blake said he would take them to the private teacher's house today. I arrive at the school in less than 20 minutes since its close by and me and Jason raced their, running over red lights and speed limits. We were luck, not on police car came after us.

Me and Jason then part at the front of the school. We were a little late but hey, who cares?

As me and Jason got off, all eyes were on us. I sigh. There is nothing to see just two people arriving in Lamborghini reventons. There is nothing wrong with riding in style. 

We enter the building and Jason leads me to the main office. We arrive and ask for my schedule and locker combo. Turns out, I am right between Blake and this other kid who he hates. Jason was on the other side of Blake. I do wonder who this kid is....

As me and Jason walk down the hallway and to our lockers everyone is gone to first period. 

"So... who is this kid that Blake hates?," I ask. 

"His name is Ace X. He has no last name. Only X,"Jason said. I stop walking.

 No... I can't be... 

He is alive... No way... All this time...

I feel someone shake me. I turn to Jason. 

"Does this Ace have dark brown hair with dark gray eyes?," I ask. Jason nods. I let out a heavy breath of air. 

"I take it you know him?," Jason said. I nod and tears well in my eyes. 

"He is someone really important to me?," I say. I feel my brown waves cover my face. I brush them behind my ear and look at Jason in the eyes. His light brown eyes meet with my light gray ones.

"Ace X is important to me because he is my...," I start.




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(ACE X💀)

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