drunken giggling

976 19 7

*college au because i can*

"you sure this is a good idea, pony?" johnny questioned his boyfriend, who was currently downing a shot of whiskey.

said boy was about to respond before he started having a coughing fit.

"of course it is!" he laughed after he calmed down. "c'mon babe, we aren't in high school anymore. this is college! we're adults now! you gotta live a little!"

the two boys were currently at a bar a bit farther from where their university was. while johnny would have preferred to stay back in their shared dorm room and just watch movies for the rest of the night, pony thought coming to this bar would be a much more fun way of spending their sunday night. the kicker? this was a gay bar. one of the only few in town. johnny appreciated pony's choice of not going to a regular bar and risk being shunned for simply holding hands, but still. he could've at least chosen a better day to come here rather than what looked to be the bar's busiest day so far.

johnny eyed his shot cautiously, the brownish liquid looking almost like poison to him. he was about to take a small sip when pony stopped him.

"sipping? what are you, seven? c'mon johnny, down it!" the dark-haired boy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"y'know, drink it all in one go! you got this johnny!" the curly haired boy grinned eagerly, waiting for his boyfriend to do the deed.

johnny gave the drink one last squeamish once-over before gulping it down. the bitter liquid burned his throat, and like pony did moments before, johnny broke into a coughing fit.

"see? that wasn't so hard, was it?" pony teased, rubbing his boyfriend's back in an attempt to calm him down.

"you're-" johnny started before he burped slightly, "you're lucky that i love you."

pony smiled genuinely at that, planting a soft kiss on johnny's cheek.

"that's the spirit. now c'mon let's get some more!" pony was about to order two more drinks, but johnny stopped him.

"nuh-uh. haven't you forgotten who the designated driver is today?" johnny gestured to himself.

pony pouted, "you're no fun!"

johnny rolled his eyes and sighed, "fine, i guess i'll have one more drink. it better not be as strong as that whiskey though."

"i promise i won't force you to drink anything else. scout's honor," pony mock-saluted. johnny laughed before the two of them ordered their drinks. pony ordered another whiskey while johnny got a light beer.

true to his word, pony didn't force johnny to drink anything else. that didn't stop himself from going all out though. he had downed at least five shots of whiskey, three shots of tequila, one shot of some strong rum (which he immediately spit out due to it being way too bitter even for him), and an entire can of beer. it didn't take long for him to be a giggly drunken mess with johnny constantly trying to calm him down.

"alright i think you've had enough, babe. let's get you back to the dorm," johnny grabbed the older boy's hand and was about to make his way to the exit when the area suddenly got dark and a spotlight was being shone in the center stage of the bar. johnny saw a lanky man with spiked raven hair that looked darker than his own walk up to one of the microphones on the stage.

"how's everyone doing tonight!" he yelled ecstatically into the mic. the statement was followed up by a roar of drunken cheering.

"well i hope none of y'all plan on leaving cuz tonight just so happens to be karaoke night!" the cheering got louder.

"oooooh karaoke night! can we stay a little while longer? pleeeease?" pony giggled drunkenly, tugging on his boyfriend's hand. johnny was about to say something when he got interrupted again.

"alright let's get this show on the road!" the lanky man with the microphone shouted again.

"hopefully people volunteer so we won't have to hear you sing," another man quipped as he walked out on stage. johnny noticed he was also lanky like the first man, but what caught his eye the most were the hot pink streaks in his brown hair. the raven haired man scoffed and walked off the stage, the other man following him.

johnny turned to look at his boyfriend, but he wasn't there. the younger of the two turned back only to find pony stumbling towards the stage.

"pony! b-babe where are you going?!" johnny tried reaching for his drunk boyfriend, but to no avail.

"it's k-k-karaoke n-night. c'mooooon johnny, y-you gotta h-have fuuuuun," pony slurred, giggling as he swayed back and forth in an attempt to reach the stage.

"no. absolutely not. you've had way too much," and with that, johnny grabbed pony's hand with an iron grip and practically dragged the older boy out of the bar.

the two of them began walking towards the parking lot, pony complaining all the while.

"t-turn b-b-back arooooound! c'mooooooooon i was gunna show off my skiillllllllsssss! johnnyyyyyyy!" he drunkenly whined.

johnny chuckled at that, "skills? don't take this the wrong way love, but even dally sings better than y-whoa!" johnny's insult was cut off by him tripping over a crack on the sidewalk.

pony burst out laughing at his boyfriend's misfortune, "that's what ya get for laughin' at me, ya poop-sack!"

"poop-sack?" johnny questioned fondly. pony nodded, giggling at his own insult. the raven-haired boy couldn't help but snicker at that. he really underestimated how cute his boyfriend could be when he was drunk.

the entirety of the car ride back to the dorm mainly consisted of pony doing something random or going on some drunken tangent, and johnny just smiling fondly at his boyfriend and how completely out of it he was.

as they walked-well, stumbled in pony's case-into their shared dorm room, johnny noticed that pony's legs were shaking. he could tell that the drunk boy was on the verge of passing out.

"hey, try and stay awake for a little while longer, alright?" johnny whispered softly. pony rested his head on johnny's shoulder, nodding. with one hand wrapped around the older boy to stabilize him, johnny hurriedly filled an empty glass with some water and grabbed some painkillers from the cabinet. he managed to balance the two with one hand and quickly walked over to the bunk beds. 

johnny carefully laid pony down on the bottom bunk and placed the other two items on the night stand next to him. as he went towards the ladder to climb up to the top bunk, he felt something grip his wrist. or rather, someone.

"stay," pony croaked sleepily. johnny nodded, slipping into the covers and allowing his boyfriend to wrap his arms around him.

"didya have fun?" pony murmured into johnny's hair. johnny hesitated a bit, but then nodded. sure, going to a gay bar might not be "fun" to him, but he was with pony. and doing anything with him was fun.

even if that means being pony's babysitter after he wakes up and gets a massive hangover afterwards.

word count: 1,209 (not counting the first bold text)

a/n yoooo so this is what i've kinda sorta been working on these past few days. this actually started out as a completely different plot, but halfway through writing it i realized that it was basically a rewritten version of one of the fics that's already on here lmao. so i scrapped that idea and ended up writing this dumb thing. so yeah, hope you guys like it anyway! - todd

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