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one year. that's how long it's been. one year since that breakdown. one year since that phone call to dally. one year since dally gave him that advice. one year since he sobbed his way to sleep in the living room mattress of dally's apartment. one year since he's been left alone to the content of the television on saturdays. it had been a long one year.

johnny pushed his feelings aside. they were useless anyways. he still cared, though. he cared that pony never seemed to answer his texts unless it was important. he cared that pony was going out almost everyday now. but with caring he also noticed. he noticed that his roommate was more tired than usual. and when johnny stayed up late at night, watching quietly from the darkness of his room, he noticed that pony coming home drunk on saturdays only lasted two weeks. something was up, and boy, did johnny know it.

another saturday night. alone. squashed up up against the couch, covered in at least 20 blankets, johnny sat contently watching as his favorite character was finally getting screen time. split on ice season two was living up to his expectations. he was getting used to being alone with the screen. all the lights were out except for one in the kitchen. it was a nice, warm yellow light that streamed across the cabinets and onto the floor. johnny could hear the soft whirring of cars from the street below. he let out a hoarse cough. he couldn't really tell if he was sick or not. suddenly, there was a click. wide-eyed, johnny jolted his head towards the direction of the door. his shoulder's relaxed when he saw it wasn't someone trying to rob them. at the doorway, pony stood looking directly at the ground, his hair ruffled and a scarf pulled up all the way to his nose. his long locks of hair hanged from his head just enough cover his eyes when he looked down. something was definitely up.

johnny coughed suddenly. pony continued to take off his boots slowly. clearing his throat, johnny spoke, breaking the silence between them, "would you like something to eat?"

pony only nodded as he placed his second boot onto the floor next to the first. johnny quietly stood up to go put a pizza in the oven. when he set the oven to the right degree to warm up, he looked back towards the living room. pony has taken off his jacket and now sat curled up against the side of the couch that was closest to the door. his eyes were fixated on the television, where one of the skaters was doing his free skate. this was probably this first split on ice episode pony had seen in awhile. johnny could have sworn he heard a sniffle. after a good while, johnny put the pizza in the oven to cook, quickly let out a coughing fit, and then finally went to join pony on the couch.

the couch shifted only a little as johnny sat next to pony, a few centimeters away. pony still had his eyes on the skater. his eyes were glossy, his cheeks a puffy red. with the only light coming from the tv, his eyes were a swirling grey. his hair was in shambles, he had dark circles under his eyes. he looked like he had been hit by a car going 70 miles an hour. he knew something was bothering pony, johnny didn't push him to spill it. he looked like he needed some good amount of personal space anyways.

"are you sick, johnny?" pony whispered, now looking at him. johnny jumped. he suddenly... cared?

"no. why would you care?" shit. he didn't mean to make that come out so harsh.

"i-i mean... i'm fine, i just-- sorry--"

"why are you saying sorry?"


"...i should be the one saying sorry."

now face to face, pony had grabbed both of his shoulders, making him look straight into his eyes. there was silence between them. johnny didn't know what to say. as if something clicked inside pony's brain, he broke. spouts in his eyes began to produce both cold and warm tears that fell off his face and onto the fabric of his jeans. pony broke their eye contact. slowly, his hands fell into johnny's and he held them softly in his hands.

"i should be the one saying sorry," he repeated, his sobs choking him now. guilt rising inside johnny's body, he wrapped his arms around pony's waist pulling him closer until the boy's head laid in the crook of his shoulder. johnny could feel his tears staining his shirt. it was fine. he started making shapes on pony's back, trying to his best to find ways to calm him down. pony's breathing soon slowed, hiccups still escaping from time to time. he was still crying, but not as much.

"what's wrong?" johnny whispered, keeping his tone quiet and calm. pony shifted a little. before he knew it pony's arms were now around his own waist.

"she broke up with me," pony answered with hesitation, his voice being muffled by johnny's shoulder, "she told me everything."

"what did she tell you?" johnny breathed, daring to push him just a little more.

"she told me.." pony shifted again, "she told that she never loved me. never wanted me. never cared. only wanted me to make her feel special. and before that, she told me how much she hated you. how you were only a baggage on her and me. that's why i neglected you. i'm so sorry. a-and then i just got so tired.. tired of only talking to her. i wanted to talk to you. badly. but i knew she was going to hate me if i did. and i didn't want her to hate me. i loved her. i really did. so i stopped talking to you. i stopped talking to everyone who wasn't family or her. i'm really sorry, it was stupid i know. i should have never drank. i should have never gone to that party with her. i should have never-- i-- fuck-- i shouldn't have-- im sorry--"

"pony," johnny softly said, cutting him off, "it's fine. i understand. i know you loved her with all your heart."

"but it's not! it's not fine! look. you were sitting here. alone. and for how many saturdays did i miss our movie nights? too many to count. i'm such a terrible friend. i've made so many mistakes. i'm so sorry."

"seriously, it's fine--"

"stop saying that!" pony jerked upwards from johnny's shoulder and now had grabbed his face in his hands. his eyes were watery, but he still looked directly into johnny's soul.

"stop it. you and I both know it's not fine. johnny. johnny, i've noticed. you haven't been eating. you're thinner than ever before. you've only been lasting on three hours of sleep. johnny you're making yourself sick. and i know it's all because of me. i know it is. i know it's because i've been coming home late. i know it's because of her. so let me apologize. and don't you dare say you're sorry too. because it's my fault and mine only, okay?"


"i'm sorry."

"i know," johnny answered, inhaling a deep breath and then exhaling it. "i feel guilty now though."

pony perked up, "why's that?"

"i'm supposed to be comforting you. you just went through a breakup. and i didn't help you at all," johnny stated, adding a hollow laugh at the end.

pony snorted. taking his hands away from johnny's face, he found a place for them on his knees. he gave a small, genuine smile.

"but you did comfort me."

"...and how did i do that exactly?"

"by just being there for me."

there was a sudden ring from the kitchen. dinner was ready.  

word count: 1286

a/n aaaaaaa,,, im not good at writing second parts to things.. i hope you guys liked it anyways,, , ,,, ik its not very good. college au still!! - pj


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