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he was always with her. they walked around the school together. they whispered things to each other that no one ever heard except them. they giggled with each other. they laughed with each other. they were dating. this disgusted johnny to the bone. he couldn't stand it. how could someone so sweet and kind be with someone as untrustworthy and uncaring as her. she didn't deserve him. pony needed someone better. cherry was a jerk behind his back. she told lies to his face. johnny has ears, he can hear all the things she says. how she feels about pony. how she doesn't even love him. how she's using him to make her fit in like a puzzle. she doesn't want his love. she just wants to be like everyone else. to have a significant other to flaunt off in front of all her friends.

but pony was oblivious. he didn't see the truth. he didn't hear the lies or see who she truly was like johnny did. and johnny didn't have the guts to tell him. he zipped his mouth shut. pony looked so happy with her. he'd do anything for her. johnny sees. he buys her flowers, kisses her on the cheek and the forehead, loves her with all his heart. they go on so many dates johnny stopped counting a long time ago. usually it's pony who plans them. usually it's pony that pays. whether it be for dinner or a ride or a gift. cherry doesn't spare him a single cent. but pony doesn't mind. he'd give her all his money if he could. they have been dating for two years now.

recently, pony has been going out more. usually, he'd always be home with johnny for their movie night on saturdays. but lately, it seems as if he had forgotten about that. they made a deal that they would both be home by dinner and whoever got there last had to wash the dishes. johnny now only makes dinner for one and washes one singular plate and glass. sure, pony still knows johnny's there. yea, they hang out whenever they get the time, but it's usually only once a week. pony barely texts him anymore either. this worries johnny. it bothers him. sometimes he can't go to sleep at night without asking himself is he forgetting about me? the more pony goes out, the less sleep johnny seems to get. johnny knows the reason why pony's starting to go out more is because of her. he hates it. he wants to scream. kick the wall and cry. but he doesn't. he complies his feelings inside and doesn't tell him. because johnny knows he's happy. the happiest he's ever been. he's in love with someone that's not him.

it was another quiet saturday of johnny sitting on the living by himself, the newest episode of split on ice playing on the television. suddenly, there was a tiny bing from his phone. his heart almost fluttered when he saw it was a text from pony.

"hey can you leave?"



"i'm coming back to the dorm with

cherry and we kinda want privacy.."

"i also don't want you to feel like a third

wheel. so, could you help a bro out?"


"TYSM!! i owe you one, cade."

i owe you one? yea, like you'll ever pay me back. you never even hang out with me anymore. it's all about cherry now. i mean, i love you with all my heart, but you got to see through her mask, dude. how hard is it to see she's a fake? how hard is it to she that she isn't right for you? i love you. so much. you don't understand. why can't you see that? why are you so blind?

johnny could feel hot running tears streaming down his cheeks. why was he so weak? pathetic. hastily, he turned off the television, not wanting to finish the episode anymore. he swiftly put on a jacket and wrapped his red puffy face with a scarf, one that kinda smelled like home. grabbing his phone and a couple of dollars and burst through the door, not even bothering to lock it. wiping away some stray tears he headed out, out the dorm and out into the streets of Tulsa. it was pretty cold, even for it being already March. he wished winter would make room for spring already. to his right, looking down the sidewalk, he could see two figures, one male, one female. oh. great. it's the lovebirds. staring now, he could see that they both were swaying. they're drunk? they were underaged drinking? wow. johnny scrunched his nose in disgust like he could smell the alcohol from that great distance between them. how the heck did pony even text him straight when he probably chugged down five beers at a party with cherry. he felt like someone had stabbed in the chest as he listened to their laughter and chatting become louder and louder as they walked towards the dorm.

questions bubbling in his brain, he decided to question pony. why are you out so late? why are you drunk? you aren't supposed to be. whose party did you go to? how much did you drink? if it wasn't a party was it a bar? but as he went towards the two, cherry pushed him away. hard. johnny's face soon came into contact with the cold concrete ground.

"get out of my way, nerd," cherry slurred, "don't you dare touch me. pervert."

pony didn't seem to notice what she had done one bit. he truly is blind. either that or those five beers were actually ten. johnny now felt like he had been stabbed 26 times in the chest. he felt like crying more. his best friend skips their movie nights just to get drunk. they barely even talk to each other anymore. then he kicks him out? gears turn slowly in johnny's brain. cherry was affecting him. he's no longer the ponyboy he learned to love. he's changed. infected. used. pony doesn't care about him anymore does he? of course he doesn't. he's got cherry. johnny is unwanted. his heart is pounding. he can't breathe. his mind is swirling. johnny takes his phone out of his pocket. slowly he sits up, not moving from the spot he was pushed. he clicks "phone" on the bright screen. dally picks up at two rings.

"dally," johnny croaks, tears rolling down his cheeks, "can i stay over at your place tonight?"

word count: 1,071

i really have no idea where i was going with this but i wrote something and it's not very happy and i hate it it's disgusting what have i done. college au sort of i guess idk. writer's block is greeeaaaattt ahaaaaaa,,, enjoy this i guess!? - pj

(also if you actually like cherry i'm sorry for somewhat villianizing her ;'0)

there's a part 2!! it's called saturday if you guys want to read it!

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