a/n 1k!

449 7 3

well well well look at what we've got here. 1,000+ reads? thank you guys so much! it's all because of you guys our silly little book now in the quadruple digits. and to say "onwards to 200?" pshh. PSHHHH. look at us now. to think we've come this far is incredible. what the heck is wrong with you guys reading our pieces of garbage? thank you for making our time here on wattpad enjoyable!

now for a lil update from each of us!

pj: currently at home! i have a few art projects to work on but i'll still be able to post! i have family coming over in a few days but that shouldn't interfere with anything. i guess that mean's i'll probably be a lot more active with answering comments and anything that comes into our inbox. yea,, that's all from me!

todd: currently on vacation! i'm on the other side of the world now, so pj and i have a nine and a half hour time difference lmao. i should be somewhat active during this month (in fact i'm currently working on something right now wink wink), but i might not be as active next month cuz that's when all the important family stuff is gonna happen,,so yeah that's pretty much it for me!

one final note! we would like to ask if you guys wished to request something to go ahead! it might not mean we will use it, but it's worth a shot since we're badly running out of ideas..

once again thank you so much! <3

zenosyne | johnnyboy one shotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt