a/n 100!!

856 17 7

(drawing above was drawn by p

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(drawing above was drawn by p.j. they're really lazy so they didn't do full-body or color it in. todd is the one in the tdg shirt, p.j. is the one in the sweater)

ahhh we never thought we get this far, but thank you guys for reading this stupid one-shot book over 100 times! pshhh, honestly, this started out as a joke. our first chapter began with us looking at tumblr otp prompts in a chat. and us crying over the outsiders. we eventually ended up accidentally writing a story! both of us really don't know what caused us to continue writing more, but looking at how much support we're getting, we're glad we did. we love johnnyboy and we're really glad you like reading what we have put down here. onwards to 200!!

(also we're really sorry that this isn't a one-shot and 100 is probably a really small number to many of you so we'll just be leaving now)

- todd & p.j.

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